What's Happening at OLA!


As part of our integrated unit of work, the Pre-Primary students were visited by Marilyn from the Association for the Welfare for Children in Hospital. Marilyn worked with the children to develop their understanding about visiting hospital and to familiarise students with some common equipment that doctors and nurses use. The children experimented with stethoscopes, crutches and wheelchairs and even had the opportunity to practice their operating skills!

Mrs Noonan, Miss Smith and Mrs Durkin

Year 2

This week, in Year 2, we have been busy building our farms in Design Technology. We started our creations using a shoebox and used a range of materials to design our farms. We have built apple farms, wheat farms and animal farms. We are almost at the end of creating them, and will be presenting our farms in front of the class. 


In Maths this week, we have been learning how to count and order the value of money. We are really excited because we get to use play money. We have also been learning how to count coins and create dollar  values to purchase items from our Coles Mini Shops.

Miss Rotondo and Miss Croft

Year 4

In Science we are learning about ecosystems and plant life. Last week, we planted tomato plants in the garden beds near the Library and are monitoring their growth. We were so excited to plant a living thing and we have been checking every day to see how they are progressing. Like all living things we need to check if they are getting enough water, nutrients, sunshine and stay weed free to ensure maximum growth.


In Art and Design Technology, we are using our creative and imaginative thinking skills to design Christmas ornaments using popsticks and a variety of materials e.g. pipecleaners, felt, cellophane. We are trying to ‘think outside the box’ by designing 3D ornaments that are different i.e. constructing an ornament that is light-weight, aesthetically appealing and viable. We noticed some interesting things with popsticks, they are easy to cut in half but more challenging to cut to size, for instance to make elf shoes because they don’t bend. Trial and error. We can’t wait to see the finished products with all the materials and accessories.

Mrs McCarthy, Ms Dean, Miss Mannas and Mrs Peters

Year 6

Week 4 has found all the budding artists amongst us. We have researched acknowledged artists Piet Mondrian and Henri Matisse and drawn images relating to their styles. We have adorned our rooms with the images.


We are now into our third dancing session, preparing for our Christmas concert. We are excited knowing that  we will present our performance to our families and friends later in the term. Tina, our instructor, is happy with our progress and is excited at our performance.


We have reviewed our Humanities and Social Science lessons relating to ‘Government at all Levels.’ in anticipation of this week’s visit to the Western Australian Parliament House and King’s Park.

Miss Figueira and Mr De Pietro