Parents and Friends

Cards That Count - Orders Closing Midnight Friday 2 November

Cards that Count, the company turning our kids' artwork into Christmas cards, was overwhelmed with all of the great designs submitted by the students of OLA. So much so, that they have randomly selected 10 Christmas cards showcasing the artwork of our students across all year levels and have included these in a variety pack that anyone can purchase! 


The OLA Christmas Card Variety Pack contains 10 cards and envelopes and costs $15, with $5 being donated directly to the OLA P&F. To purchase, simply:

  • Visit and select Order Cards from the menu
  • Enter the unique code 2018 in the bottom right corner
  • Once you have entered this code, the variety pack will be displayed along with the shopping page
  • Select quantity and click Add to Cart

Please note that online ordering closes tonight, Friday 2 November, for both the variety packs and for individual student packs, and the cards will be available for collection on Friday 16 November. Thank you for supporting the OLA P&F and our budding artists!


The Fathering Project - Dads' Night: Christmas Drinks

Come and join like minded OLA dads and father figures for an early Christmas drink on Wednesday 14 November. Steven Rushforth from the national organisation, The Fathering Project, will be speaking, along with Greg Martin. Check out the flyer below for more information! Please RSVP to

Resilience Kit Presentation

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Resilience Kit presentation by Gemma Lee Taylor on Tuesday night. Resilience is regularly mentioned by educators as an issue we can work on as a community, so it was great to see so many OLA parents learning about this important issue together.


Of particular value was Gemma's list of REMINDERS, including choosing to be MINDFUL AND NOT HAVE YOUR MIND FULL. Parents also found helpful the information on the possible signs of anxiety to look for in your own child, the tips on responding to your child with good eye contact and a smile and the importance of taking time to talk about feelings and also explain 'healthy relationships' with your kids.


Special thanks to the parents and teachers, and our Principal, who helped set up and clean up! We will be looking at more resilience and coping guest speakers for 2019 and as always, suggestions on any topic are welcome.


Gemma is contactable via her website for any further information, and to chat about whether her other workshops are suitable for your children or your family.

Contact Us

If you have anything you would like to discuss with the P&F you can contact us at