Senior School News

Year 10 Work Experience

Year 11 Psychology

As part of our topic "Social Influences", Year 11 Psychology students have been learning about factors that affect how/why we behave the way we do in different group/social situations. We have studied famous experiments such as Zimbardo's "Stanford Prison Experiment", Milgram's "Obedience to an Authority Figure Experiment" and Asch's "Conformity Experiment".


Students enjoyed a session of group activities, where they were put into different situations where they had to work together to achieve a certain goal. They worked with different students for each activity. The highlight of the session was "Designing a Ball Gown". Students were required to make a ball gown out of 5 garbage bags and a stapler. The students thoroughly enjoyed this activity.

Afterwards, students were encouraged to reflect on their group's behaviour for each activity, relating it to the theories/terms we had learnt in class.

It was great fun (as Psychology always is!)

Ms Roberts

Year 12 V Teachers

Dodgeball Match

After a month of planning, on Tuesday the 28th of August one of the Year 12 VCAL classes, 12B hosted the inaugural DODGEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP!

The event went off without a hitch and the day was embraced by the entire Patterson River community including staff, students and their parents. One of our key goals was to raise awareness for Kids Undercover a charity supporting youth homelessness.  The teachers won 2 out of 3 rounds with Year 12’s winning the last round. Everyone had team spirit and played fairly with even Mr Butler dressing up in his old school sports gear!! We would love to thank everyone who played and all the people who came along and watched. It was lots of fun and we are proud to announce that we raised just under $100 for Kids Undercover. We hope the coming Year 12 VCAL students keep the dodgeball tradition going!

Year 12 VCAL Class