We have had another very busy week in Boarding.


Last Weekend

On Friday night we had a few extra students in, as the Year 12s went on an excursion to Perth Saturday. Staff organised some Bingo which was enjoyed by all who participated, with six rounds providing six different winners. Thanks to John and Sally for organising the evening.

Saturday morning saw staff and students shopping at Treendale and Eaton Fair before several students travelled down to watch the 'Minion' movie at the Bunbury cinemas.  The other students stayed back around the fire.

Last term the Year 12 students asked Residential staff if they could organise a weekend excursion for them all as a final fling together before leaving school. Heidi and Brenton put up their hands and took this upon themselves and organised a busy day in Perth. 


Those students who chose to attend had a wonderful time. A massive thanks to Heidi and Brenton, and to Mr Jones and Ms Pratley who accompanied them on the day.

Sunday saw another shopping opportunity as well as a sushi making exercise for those who wanted to take part.  The pictures tell the story as it looked amazing.  What a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn more culinary skills.


What happened during the week

Monday, with the weather anything but pleasant, saw badminton and football training held in the school gym in preparation for Country week. (The football coach doesn’t like getting wet these days). The Collie hockey and town football were cancelled due to the weather conditions, however the local junior netball girls played in town.


“MasterChef”  was on again and from the photos it was another amazing meal prepared and enjoyed by the boys.  This is really appreciated by the students and is a wonderful opportunity to learn some new skills or at least for some new recipes that they can prepare as they progress through to the work force.


Tuesday, Country Week Hockey and local footy were cancelled for the players on another very ordinary evening.  Students didn’t need much encouragement to go to bed in those conditions.


Wednesday night sport was indoor soccer. Lots of fun and laughs from all involved and a large group of supporters from the side-lines. The girls played a really good netball game in the town competition and had a resounding victory. Well done.


It seems like another wave of COVID is presenting once again, with further staff shortages etc. It is a timely reminder for us to continue to take the necessary hygiene practices by covering our mouths when we cough or sneeze and just being extra careful around everyone as the prediction is that August could be the worst month.



It is a requirement of the Boarding facility that all medication is to be handed in to Residential staff and will be dispensed when required by the staff. This is a contractual obligation to reside here with us and having medication down in the dorm is a risk that the Department is not willing to take. I therefore ask for parents and students to co-operate on this matter.


Weekly Positive Awards

Last week we reintroduced the Weekly Positive Behaviour Awards to students. Each week staff nominate who they believe has displayed positivity within residence.  Miller Leeson was awarded winner in Week 2 and Samantha Cox this week.  Students then get to select which voucher they would like. Well done.