Dear Parents / Carers, Families and College Community


Wet, Wet, Wet! I’m talking about the weather and not the Scottish rock band from the 80’s and 90’s – now I’m showing my age. A lot more rain and wind this week.


COVID Update

There are no changes to the settings or practices since last week. We all have a personal responsibility to do our part and with that in mind, I remind our College community of the following:

  • Students and staff are strongly encouraged to continue to wear masks particularly indoors.
  • Reminded to regularly wash and sanitise their hands and maintain high standards of personal hygiene.
  • Students and staff are still required to wear masks when travelling in College vehicles. Students who use school bus services or public transport are also still required to wear masks.

Student Wellbeing

As we move into the business end of the year for all students, there can often be a variety of pressures that students may feel at school in relation to their work/assessments, social groups and their individual or family circumstances.


To support the wellbeing of students, the College has a variety of structures/processes and support available. These include:

  • Encouraging students to speak to a friend or staff member that they have a rapport with – ‘Talk to a Mate’.
  • Staff across all areas/sections of the College to talk with and monitor students as part of the day to day activities of the College and if required check in with students, as to how they are going. Staff pass on observations or information to their line managers and/or the Manager Student Services and Residential Manager if required.
  • A Student Services team consisting of a Manager Student Services, Residential Manager, School Psychologist, School Chaplain and School Nurse. Some of these staff are part time and are spread across the week to enable access by students. To access these services students can self refer by making this request through the manager Students Services or Residential Manager. Students may also be referred by a staff member following discussions with a student and/or parent/guardian.
  • The student services team can assist students in engaging with external services if required, depending upon the individual circumstances.

If parents/guardians have any queries, concerns or information in relation to the wellbeing of their child please do not hesitate to contact the College, Manager Student Services or Residential Manager, to discuss your child’s wellbeing and ascertain what support is being provided or what support may need to be provided.



During this term there will be a variety surveys for the Year 12 students and their parents/guardians to complete. Some of these are a systemic requirement and others are more targeted and specific to assist with the continual review and refinement of the programs on offer at the College. This feedback is then reviewed to assist in future planning and operations so that College is constantly striving to provide the best possible opportunities and education for the students. Details and notification of the surveys will be via email and mentioned in future Weekly Wraps.


School Photos

Reminder that school photos will be on Monday 15th August.  Please ensure your child has the correct full Class uniform on the day.  Attached is the  photo schedule for the morning. 


Stay safe, look after each other and have a great weekend!