Year 2 Spotlight

Learn to Swim Program
Year 2 students have taken to Friday’s swimming lessons like ‘ducks to water’!
The cohort have enjoyed participating in their first two lessons of the swimming program at Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre. The teachers were very impressed with how much better the students have already become at getting themselves dressed after this week’s lesson.There have only been a few lost items and children coming home in the wrong clothes!
These are some of the student’s thoughts on the program:
- I like swimming because I’ve got my friends in the group. ~ Leo S, 2C
- I like my group because it has the warm water. ~ Nicholas K, 2C
- I like swimming because you get to practise survival skills. ~ Alex P, 2D
- I like swimming because you get to do activities and learn new things. ~ Saskia N, 2D
- I like swimming because it’s fun. ~ Evie L, 2A
- It was very fun because I love swimming. ~ Hannah W, 2A
- I like swimming because it’s refreshing. ~ Teddy, 2A
- My favourite part is the bus ride because I get to sit on the back seat. ~ Max A, 2B
- My favourite part is getting in the water – it’s fun getting wet! ~ Evie P, 2B
- I like doing handstands in the water. ~ Felix G, 2B
- I like making friends from other classes. ~ Matilda W, 2B
- I like doing a flip handstand in the water. ~ Bea F, 2B
- My favourite part is when I do turns and handstands in the pool. ~ Maggie N, 2B
Thank you so much to the parent helpers who have helped at the pool – your ability to match towels to students and help with shoes is invaluable!
~ Year 2 Teachers (Jayde, Caitie, Faye, Naomi and Sophie) and Students