Foundation Spotlight

Measurement & Buddies


  • When the scale is moving it's probably deciding... it's choosing which one is heavier and which one's not heavier. ~ Liam M, FD

Days of the week chain with buddies:

  • We are holding a giant chain of the days of the week. I made 3 weeks! ~ Rocco G, FD
  • Everyone is holding a chain of Monday and Tuesday and all the others. I was holding Alena's hand so tight! ~ Isla D, FD
  • We are holding the chain. It's about weeks. we are with our buddies. ~ Millie G, FD
Buddies - days of the week chain
Buddies - days of the week chain


Swimming Program

  • I loved it because I liked the seaweed when I swam through it. It was so fun I couldn't believe it! ~ Chloe V, FD
I went to swimming on a bus.
The seaweed feeled cool. I liked that it was kind of sticky and fun to walk through and swim through
I was getting to learn how to swim!
I liked the seaweed. It felt like that in real life. The teachers were very nice.
I went to swimming on a bus.
The seaweed feeled cool. I liked that it was kind of sticky and fun to walk through and swim through
I was getting to learn how to swim!
I liked the seaweed. It felt like that in real life. The teachers were very nice.


Writing Incursion – The King's Cookie

Students participated in an interactive story-telling workshop as part of their introduction to narrative writing.

  • It was really fun and the gloves were really creepy! ~ Willow S, FD 
  • Willow makes a good queen! ~ Chloe V, FD
  • It was definitely fun riding a horse and having a sword and being a prince. ~ Freddie C, FD
  • Well, it's hard to eat cookie #1 because everyone else wants to eat it. The licorice tea kept me company. ~ Max M, FD

Loose Parts Incursion

Loose parts are open ended materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned or taken apart and put back together again in different ways. Foundation students participated in an excursion exploring loose parts – creating all sorts of interesting and creative objects.

  • We are making a cubby house and also it's a house. ~ Charlotte, FC 
  • My favourite part was when Robbie and me were making the house. It was hard to make a window. ~ Laura, FB
  • We built a cannon ball house. We loved it.~ Killian, FB
  • Me and Miia built a Jurassic World sick patient house. It was for hurt dinosaurs. ~ Eddie, FB
  • We made a zoo house. ~ Ayden, FB
  • It was hard to make the door. ~ Luke M, FB
  • I am making the door. I cut it with a drill. it was hard. ~ Musa, FD
I was making a sign. I made a sign and then I hung it up. Beau put it up 'cos i couldn't do it.
We 'maked' a big base, me and Maggie and Musa. We put a big bridge on top of our base.
We are building a house. I built it with Musa and Kodiak and Tom, Rocco and Beau. We made a city.
I 'cutted' the windows out. It's got a window and a door.
My house has three doors. It's really messy!
We made a house. We used three boxes to make it.
The trickiest part of making our house was making the floors.
We made a pirate house. The trickiest part was making the chimney. It needed lots of sticky tape.
This is a secret cubby house that can fly with its wings. The pool noodle is used so if someone bad comes to the house it can tell us.
I see you!
Loose parts... in progress
It's just a place for doing quiet activities. It was hard trying to make the roof stay up. The sign says Lewis' quiet time.
Mine is a house and I'm going to make a window in the roof and on the side and we are going to have a window into each other's so we can say hello. And we have a rainbow.
I was making the door. Sylvie finished it for me 'cos we were making the same house. It was a bit tricky for me so I put the bottles on the top.
I was making a sign. I made a sign and then I hung it up. Beau put it up 'cos i couldn't do it.
We 'maked' a big base, me and Maggie and Musa. We put a big bridge on top of our base.
We are building a house. I built it with Musa and Kodiak and Tom, Rocco and Beau. We made a city.
I 'cutted' the windows out. It's got a window and a door.
My house has three doors. It's really messy!
We made a house. We used three boxes to make it.
The trickiest part of making our house was making the floors.
We made a pirate house. The trickiest part was making the chimney. It needed lots of sticky tape.
This is a secret cubby house that can fly with its wings. The pool noodle is used so if someone bad comes to the house it can tell us.
I see you!
Loose parts... in progress
It's just a place for doing quiet activities. It was hard trying to make the roof stay up. The sign says Lewis' quiet time.
Mine is a house and I'm going to make a window in the roof and on the side and we are going to have a window into each other's so we can say hello. And we have a rainbow.
I was making the door. Sylvie finished it for me 'cos we were making the same house. It was a bit tricky for me so I put the bottles on the top.

~ Foundation Teachers (Zoe, Kelly, Grace & Cathy) and Students