Why a Christian School? 


A question that I often get the privilege to answer here at BHCS is ‘What makes Belgrave Heights a Christian School?’ I love any opportunity to engage in conversation about this topic, and to learn from other people’s thoughts and wisdom.


I’m sure that along your journey as part of BHCS you will have faced this question at some point. I wonder how your thoughts and understanding have developed over time, and how you might answer this question today.


Saying we are a Christian school does not simply mean that we add an element of spiritually to a regular education – to me, that makes it seem like a trivial extra, such as adding sprinkles to an ice cream cone, or glittery wrapping paper over a gift. Following these analogies I would consider Christian education to be the very make-up of the ice cream itself – the ingredients, recipe, flavours, textures, even the cone!; or, the content of the gift inside the wrapping.


Here are just some of the ways I have found myself explaining the ‘Why Christian Schools’ question, each depending on the context of the conversation of course:

  • Our Christian faith is integrated through every element of school life. Far more than just a place in our curriculum, our Christian values are the foundations of all we do and plan for here BHCS, atmosphere to activity; environment to education; leadership to learning.
  • A Christian School means children are learning in an environment where they are valued and loved as a child of God. 
  • Our mission is to encourage the development of Christian faith in students where every student is given the opportunity to explore the Christian story, experience Christian community, and embody Christian character. (BHCS Website)
  • As every staff member at BHCS is a committed Christian, striving to live a life that honours God, we teach and we love and we model life all from our Christian worldview. It is the very core of who we are as a community.
  • The purpose of Christian schools is the educational and spiritual development of each child.
  • Christian education is far more than just the curriculum. We are not simply focussed on career opportunities for our students, but rather we want students to discover their own unique calling and to learn the knowledge and skills they need to make their own contribution to our world.
  • Christian education is a partnership with parents. We believe it is the responsibility of parents to nurture and educate their children (Deuteronomy 6). At BHCS, we see our role in Christian education as working with families to provide the best possible environment for students to learn, grow, and develop.
  • Our teachers are not just presenting information to our students, they are living out their faith: in the way they see the students as made in the image of God; in recognising the calling or vocation they have; in their desire to nurture and grow the talents and gifts of each child; and, in preparing these young people for their unique calling. (CSA Website)

What joy it is to serve at a school where our Christian faith is the very foundation of why the school exists, and our reason for partnering with parents in the nurture and education of their children. I never want to stop learning and celebrating these reasons and the calling God has for us as a community. 


If you haven’t answered this ‘Why Christian Schools’ question in a while, I encourage you to have a conversation with someone this week. I’d love to hear your answers!


There’s a fantastic short video on the Christian Schools Australia website that explores ‘Why we choose Christian Education’ from the parents perspective. Check it out here: https://www.csa.edu.au/CSA/CSA/About-Christian-Schools/Why-Christian-Schooling.aspx?hkey=379ceee4-36c4-407a-aaea-b39feb15a0f9


If you ever see me in the carpark, the café of around the school, please come and share your thoughts. There is so much wisdom to gain from the community around us. The more we talk and share about what it means to us, the deeper our understanding grows. And, the more we declare what we believe, the greater clarity and certainty we find for our own heart for how God wants each of us to serve in this community.