As we approach the halfway point in Term 3, St Mary MacKillop students look forward to JJAMM week and celebrating Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day. JJAMM is an acronym for St. Joseph, Julian and Mary MacKillop. Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day is on the 8th of August and honours her as the first patron saint of Australia. Mary MacKillop is recognised for her generosity to the poor and consistently helping people when they are in need. Her influence spread far and wide, along with the many principles that she lived by. These include ‘Never see a need without doing something about it’ and our quote for our theme of Respect this year ‘We are but travellers here’. 


Mary’s commitment to the education of poor children and dedication to the Catholic Church demonstrates her strength and loyal nature. Students at MacKillop are encouraged to emulate this along with her values of compassion, respect and kindness. We will celebrate Mary MacKillop and her teachings with a Mass during JJAMM week that commemorates her life and the numerous lessons that she left as her legacy. Fr Julian Tension Woods was integral in the establishment of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. A geologist and a priest, he worked with Mary to open their first school in Penola, South Australia. He continued to support and guide Mary throughout her life. When Fr Woods decided to found a new order of teaching sisters to bring Catholic education to the children of poor families, Mary accepted his invitation to join and so began the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Joseph. They chose St Joseph, husband of Mary and parent to Jesus, as their patron. 


To celebrate St Joseph, Julian and Mary we have a range of activities over the course of the week. On Monday all students attend the Feast Day Mass. For Tuesday a large variety of games and activities will be running at Lunch. Additionally, The Year 12s will strut in the best onesies and ugg boots for the Year 12 pyJJAMMa Day. On Wednesday the Hospitality students will cook up some delicious jam donuts for the school to enjoy. On Thursday Solomon House hosts the annual Walkathon where students walk a large distance for a great cause. Thursday is also a casual dress day with a gold coin (or more) contribution. By the end of the week all the money raised will go to charity and disadvantaged families in the school community.


Not only is JJAMM week a lot of fun for everyone, it helps us as students to reflect our school values, especially this year's theme of Respect. Where others showed no interest in helping those less fortunate, Mary MacKillop exemplified respect and generosity to those in need. By fundraising money for those in the community we too as a school community can follow in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop and help those in need.