The Learning Zone

The Learning Zone - Mrs Holland, Leader of Pedagogy/Assistant Principal

Home Learning

Thank you to our wonderful staff for their dedication in ensuring learning continues at this challenging time.  It hasn’t been easy to redesign the learning and teaching programs to be delivered remotely, but the teachers have embraced the challenge and done an amazing job.  


We understand that home learning will present challenges for you and strongly encourage maintaining a daily routine as best you can.   Please use the St Joseph's Home Learning Daily Guide to help organise your child's day:  

Please also read the following information sheet carefully - it has very useful advice and guidance for parents/carers about home learning:

COVID-19 Videos

Behind the News is a long-running news programme broadcast on the ABC.  It is aimed at school aged children (8–13 years of age) and has some excellent news stories to help children understand the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some examples:


Take care everyone and please do not hesitate to email me at if you have any questions.


Maree Holland