Principal's News

Dear Parents, Carers and Community Members

It hard to believe that we have come to the end of week 6. The staff are looking forward to our Curriculum Day this Friday and I know the students are looking forward to an extra long weekend. The focus for our Curriculum Day is Student Learning. We have engaged a few external presenters, including a team from Mathletics/Reading Eggs, and our own staff will be sharing their expertise in a variety of areas through workshops that they have created.  Just like our students our teachers relish the opportunity to involve themselves in learning that is relevant to them.

I hope you have had an opportunity to see or hear about some of the great things that have been happening around the college. We have had some new furniture delivered to the Learning Resource Centre and I must say the students are loving it. We have some new “Pets “, in the foyer. Our visitors have loved stopping by and watching them swim around. The new Design Tech/Wood Work equipment has been in full operation this week, I’m not sure who is enjoying the space more… the staff or the students. 

In a school as large as ours we need to be extra vigilant at drop off and pick up times. Please do not double park when dropping off or collecting your children from school.

 Please be aware of children walking to school or riding bikes.  Please also do not allow students to cross the road from behind cars.  The cars driving on the road may not see them.  Please ensure that the children use the school crossing as this is the safest option for crossing the road.


Below's image has been provided to us by the Wyndham City Council.




In closing, would like to thank the parents who nominated for College Council. The number of nominations exceeded the number of vacancies, hence a ballot was required. The ballot has now closed and counting will commence shortly. I will be in a position to introduce the new College Council to you in our next newsletter.


Enjoy the long weekend and remember to like us on Facebook. We use Facebook to share celebrations, upcoming events and interesting readings.




Yours sincerely

Mandy O'Mara