Early Learning Centre

Early Learning Centre

We are gearing up for an absurdly busy term in the Early Learning Centre. It is also a very exciting time for our children with Christmas quickly approaching.


It is at the end of this term that we say “goodbye” to many of our children; some progressing to school and others moving on to other ventures. Farewells and Graduations will be held in the last week of term on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12.00pm.

We will also be hosting two Community events this term; our Family night, Wednesday 8 November and our first Community/Working Bee day, Saturday 9 December. Please mark these dates in your diary.


End of Year Mass is an important part of the Early Learning Centre calendar. As it is a time for all school families to come together we would like to extend a special invite to our ELC families to this event on Monday 27 November at 6.30pm on the front oval.


What have we been learning about in the Early Learning Centre?


Many, many things every day. Just one example is the Lifecycle of Silk Worms. We have witnessed the hatching of the eggs, the growth of the actual worms and the spinning of the cocoons. We are now waiting for the moths to emerge from the cocoons. The children have observed and documented every stage.


Did you know:

Some caterpillars have stripes and others don’t.

Some cocoons are various shades of yellow and others are white.

This is genetic, just as we have different hair or eye colour.

The cocoons are boiled to remove the gum that holds the threads together and then the silk is unwound.

The moths that emerge can’t fly and live only 2-3 days.

Our children do or will know when the moths emerge, lay eggs and the cycle is ready to begin again.


Mrs Karen McEntee

ELC Director