Sport Update

Schoolaerobics state finals
On Saturday 2 June, four teams competed at the state finals. All teams did an amazing job. A special congratulations to the following teams that have qualified for the national finals held in Queensland in August.
- Creative Stage - 2nd place
- Stage 2 (Year 12 team) - 5th place
MGSC Carnivals age group champions
Now that all three of our major sporting carnivals are completed it is with great pleasure that we announce the age group champions. These students will be presented with their medals at the next College Assembly.
12-13 year old
Swimming - Eva Jenkins (7C)
Athletics - Jemmah Paton (7D)
Cross Country - Freya Brown (7A)
14 year old
Swimming - Georgia MacMillan (8A)
Athletics - Hope Maillard (8B)
Cross Country - Hope Maillard (8B)
15 year old
Swimming - Megan Kain (9H)
Athletics - Emily Ryan (9B)
Cross Country - Angel Caris (9E)
16 year old
Swimming - Cara Jenkins (10H)
Athletics - Zoe Cunningham (11B)
Cross Country - Millie Belleville (10F)
17 year old
Swimming - Gabby Hall (11C)
Athletics - Belle Hopkins (11D)
Cross Country - Delaney Rawlings (11F)
Swimming - Neave Harrison (12C)
Athletics - Sarah Mathews (12E)
Cross Country - Eleanor Karahasan (12D)
Congratulations to all the students on their tremendous efforts and participation in all of the sporting carnivals. There will be other opportunities throughout the remainder of the year to participate in house events to contribute to the house shield. Check emails and Compass for further information.
Ms Ilana Parker
College House and Carnivals Coordinator
On the 28 May two intermediate teams played in the Beachside District Round Robin sports day. Both our teams consisted of Year 9s and 10s and everyone played really well. Both teams progress through to the next round in late July. Well done to the coaches Ruby Crofts, Abbie Manning and Tessa McHenry for their continuous feedback and encouragement.
Ms Emma Milliken
PE Teacher
The Intermediate (Years 9 and 10) soccer team trained several times before the round robin on the 28 May in Caulfield. Student coaches Mia Hartley (10B) and Caroline Van (10F) worked hard to get this team ready for the event.
The MGSC team played four other schools that day. First we played Glen Eira College, beating them bravely by 4-0. The second game saw our girls facing Elwood College, who were beaten convincingly by 4-1. Third on our list were Leibler Yavneh College, who were another victim of our girls' excellent play: 5-0. But our girls saved the best for last. In the day's final against Mac. Robertson Girls' High School, the MGSC juggernaut really proved its intent and talent, beating MacRob in the final with an impressive 4-0.
Mentone Girls' won the day with four very convincing wins, and an aggregate of 17 goals for and only 1 against.
So now we face another round. MGSC are playing a regional tournament in July. Well done to the MGSC intermediate soccer team. Who can stop us?
Mr Marko Berkhout