Junior School News

Mentone Games
Well done to all Year 7s who took part in the Mentone Games last Friday. With the emphasis on teamwork, the Year 7s researched a country and represented that country in a tabloid sports afternoon. The activities were lead by our Year 10 Sports Coaching class along with our Health and Physical student leaders. Thanks to all of the Personal Learning staff for their assistance with this event.
Uniform Matters
A reminder that correct PE uniform can be worn by Year 7 and 8 students on days students have PE or on days they are competing in an interschool sports event. On days of sports team trials, students can bring runners to wear for the trial or bring their PE uniform to change into.
The uniform shop now has a full selection of tracksuit pant sizes. Please note, only school tracksuit pants can be worn. If students do not have the school tracksuit pants they can wear school uniform to school and get changed at the start of their PE class.
Ms Jackie Mathews
Acting Director of Junior School