Principal's Message

Dear Parents & Families
One of the flagships of our fine school is girls’ leadership. We provide many of our students with opportunities to lead and contribute in a range of settings. Our new Director of Girls’ Leadership, Wendy Harvey and the SRC Leader, Emma Milliken are sources of inspiration and guidance for many of our girls.
We recently called for nominations from our students to stand for School Council. This is an opportunity for students to share the views in this forum and thus contribute to the decision-making process at this level. I am very pleased to announce that more than two students put their hands up to stand for these positions and every student in the College was encourage to vote. We now have two student representatives who will join our next school council meeting later this month.
The names of the students who will serve on School Council are Nazanin (Nazy) Jalili of Year 10 and Sinead Garry of Year 9. We will be having some very pertinent discussions over term 3 when we, as a School Council, review our current Strategic Plan and plan for the next Strategic Plan that will run from 2019 to 2022. This is known as a Strategic Review Process and we will be examining aspects such as wellbeing, achievement and engagement.
I would like to share with you the statements of Sinead and Nazy below:
Sinead Garry - Year 9 (2 year term)
I believe I am a suitable fit to be the role of School Council. I have many defining qualities and have previous experience in leadership. My previous leadership roles include:
- Vice-Captain at Aspendale Gardens’ Primary School
- Magazine Committee member since Year 7
- Form Captain in Year 7 and Year 8
- Curriculum Leader in Year 8
- Middle School Leader in Year 9
These previous roles have assisted me in learning about the meaning of leadership, and taught me the qualities within a great leader. These roles also brought me to many leadership conferences, where I learnt substantial points on bringing peers’ ideas and needs to realities within the school.
I also have extensive communication skills, and will listen to the views of all students to create a beneficial learning environment. These skills have also given me the opportunity to speak at Open Night, as well as on behalf of the City of Kingston.
Nazanin Jalali - Year 10 (1 year term)
I believe I have many positive attributes that make me a suitable candidate for the student council. I am dedicated, open-minded and hardworking. As a Scout, I have lots of experience in running and part taking in a unit council that looks at addressing issues and coming up with appropriate solutions.
As your student representative, I would be able to apply my skills to assist in further improving our high school experience. I’d love to be able to see our school from a different perspective and use my insight from previous and ongoing leadership positions to locate the weaker aspects of our education, which would benefit from the help and support of the student council.
Over the past few weeks I have attended two outstanding events at the college which showcase the talents of our students. The first was the Theatre Studies production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Last night I attended the Junior Music Showcase. The dedication of all of the students who rehearsed for these performances is to be commended and highlights the importance of the performing arts at our College. But none of these opportunities would be possible without the guidance of our performing arts teachers and instrumental music instructors.
Kind regards
Ms Linda Brown