Principal's Report

A Time For Study and Celebration 

On Wednesday, 30 October our Year 12 students sat their Unit 3 and 4 English or English as an Additional Language (EAL) exam. 


This marks the beginning of a four-week period of exams for most of our Year 12 students. We wish our students the very best for the examination period.  I am confident that the hard work and dedication to studies will pay off and that we will be publishing stories of successful exam outcomes in the very near future.


Doncaster Secondary College has a well-established tradition of formally farewelling our Year 12 students at a special Valedictory Assembly which is followed by light refreshments. This year, the Valedictory Assembly will be held on Friday, 22 November.  We will again present a range of Year 12 Awards at the assembly to acknowledge the students who have achieved excellence in the school-based assessments as well as students who have made positive contributions to our school community. 


The Valedictory Assembly is always an event filled with mixed emotions: pride in the students themselves, sadness in their leaving, and excitement for them as they make the move into life beyond Doncaster Secondary College.




Please note also the dates for our Presentation Nights: Middle School Presentation Night on Tuesday 19 November and Senior School Presentation Night on Thursday, 28 November.  


These nights are also very important events on the college calendar where we look forward to celebrating outstanding student endeavours and achievements with our college community.


Some forward notice for parents that, as in past years, the College will not run the regular program on the Monday before Cup Day. In past years there have significant student absences on that day which meant we could not run the normal timetable. For students who attend, there will be an alternate program in place. 


Staff who are not required to deliver this program will use the time to forward plan for 2020. All staff will be in attendance and will be involved in professional learning and planning sessions throughout the day.  We are in the process of building our new Annual Implementation Plan and this time will be invaluable in terms of developing an even better learning experience for our students in the years to come. 


Éva McMaster
