Principal's Message

Dear parents, students and the wider community,


Thank you for arrangements you have mage regarding our School Closure Day tomorrow when staff will spend time discussing the planning and delivery of numeracy and enhancing the learning of our students. 


This week we have had a lot of fun with Book Week. On Tuesday we had our character parade and picture story book activities. This helped promote the importance and joy of reading to the students and introduced them to some of the picture story books of the year.  


Next week our annual MACSIS (Melbourne Archdiocese Schools School Insight Survey) goes out to a number of families. We us data generated to reflect against our goals set for this year and to help set our 2023 goals. Your response to this survey will be much appreciated if you are a family who receives it. 


Fathers' Day is Sunday week and as such we will have a couple of activities during next week to celebrate this. On Wednesday the P & F have organised the annual Fathers' Day Stall and on Thursday 1st September we will try our first Fathers' Day Morning Tea. Fathers and signifanct others helping to fill this role are warmly welcomed to attend on the morning. 


On Friday 2nd September our senior sports teams will be competing at Kananook PS against the local schools we play sport against. Parents are, as always, welcome to come along and support. 


As you may have noticed Miss Holmes' pregnancy is moving along quickly (she may not say that!). At this stage she will take Maternity Leave from the end of Week 1, Term 4. Mrs Vicky Byrne, who has spent a lot of time replacing the 3/ 4 staff this term, will be the 3/ 4 H teacher for the remainder of the year once Jemima commences her leave. Miss Danni Wells will continue to teach the class each Thursday whilst Vicky will have them for the rest of the week. 


Some of our Year 6 students have begun their Confirmation preparation with attendance at church. Please keep these students in your prayers.


God Bless and stay well 


Rod Shaw 


School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent by leaving a message on  9786 4736 and press 1. Please give details of your child’s name and class with areason for their absence such as: unwell, appointment, holiday or family reasons. Alternatively an email can be sent to with cc to the child’s teacher.


If you are running late, (after 9:00 am) please attend the office to sign your child into school and collect a late pass.


If you are picking up your child early you will need to collect them and sign them out from the office.


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a text message.

If parent does not contact the school after receiving the text message, the school will contact the parent by phone. If the parent is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.

Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.

This is a legal requirement.

Democratic Principles

 The six (6) principles of Australian democracy include:

(a)   elected government; and

(b)   the rule of law; and

(c)   equal rights for all before the law; and

(d)   freedom of religion; and

(e)   freedom of speech and association; and 

(f)   the values of openness and tolerance