Early Learning

Over the last few weeks we have had a real focus on community in our Early Learning Centre. The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework highlights the benefits of children connecting with and contributing to their world:

"As children experience settings beyond the home and kinship groups in which they live, their experiences, relationships and connections broaden. Contributing in social settings strengthens children’s sense of identity, wellbeing and belonging. Children’s wellbeing is linked closely to the wellbeing of their community."


The idea of community is also an important biblical value. We are encouraged to carry each other's burdens in Galatians 6:2, and reminded in Romans 12:5 that in Christ we form one body, and belong to each other.


Our exciting community events have included a social evening at the Cobden Miniature Railway. Many of our kinder families made the trek out to Cobden, and with the threat of rain looming, we were blessed with perfect weather. Kinder parents kindly donated a BBQ for shared use, and we had volunteers cooking sausages which went down a treat! We enjoyed unlimited rides on the amazing facilities out at Cobden, which are all provided by volunteers.

Our Ant and Bee groups were very excited to have a visit from the fire station! Each child had the opportunity to have a turn at spraying the hose, and we all learned a lot about what firefighters do, and some of the tools they use. It was very special to have one of our Kinder parents who is a firefighter able to be part of the incursion. We were also lucky to have Fireman Sam there! Children's feedback was that their favourite parts were the hose, the lights and the fan.

The Ant and Bee groups were also treated to a magic show from Mr. Tucker. It was wonderful to see the looks of amazement on children's faces as they tried to work out how Mr. Tucker could have possibly defied the laws of physics! 

We are so grateful for our community, and the way children and adults can connect and learn from each other. 


Beth Parker

Head of Early Learning


From our Book Week adventures through the remainder of term, the Ant Group have continued to explore different ways we can tell a story. Stories and accounts of events have been passed down through songs, our Bible, artwork and dances to name a few.

The children have been enthusiastic participants in creating stage props, and using puppets and costumes to re-tell familiar stories. Indigenous Dreaming stories were also enjoyed and re-enacted by the children. It has been exciting to see their confidence build as they perform stories. We have also been making our own "Kinder Book" of the children's own stories and drawings. 

The children have also been taken a few minutes out of their busy day to tune in to a listening app: Noisy by Nature. Listening has been an important focus for the Ants this fortnight. What can we hear in our environment if we pause and listen?


Sian Duggan

Early Learning Teacher


Earlier in the year, the Bee group read the book Kind by Alison Green. They were thoughtful about ways they could show kindness to others. The book asked "have you ever made a kindness jar?" The Bee group wanted to make a kindness jar of their own. 

Children have now filled up the kindness jar twice! They notice when someone is kind to them. They are encouraged to tell that person what they did that was kind, and put a marble in the jar. We decorated our kindness jar area with pictures and photos of people being kind. When we fill up the jar, everyone gets a treat to celebrate. Last week we all got a kindness medal!


Beth Parker

Head of Early Learning

Monday Wombats

The Monday Wombat group made self portraits and told a story about themselves on their portraits. These have now been made into a book all about the Wombat group, that children will be able to borrow and read with their families. Children showed their developing fine motor control as they were able to draw their faces and write some or all of the letters in their names. Then on our last day of term, we put our portraiture skills to tasty use by making delicious face biscuits! These were very quickly eaten up. 


Beth Parker

Head of Early Learning

Wednesday Wombats

Children in the Wednesday Wombat group have been interested in play with magnets. Last week we had a mat time experience where the children discovered that magnets could attract only items made from metal or with a metal component. Children were shown a selection of metal, non-metal and a few items with both metal and non-metal components on a tray. They were then given a chance to hypothesise if they thought the item would be attracted or not to the magnet. Children then tested their hypotheses for each individual item. Afterwards, children were able to explore different magnetic activities set up in the room.


Rebeka Gommers 

Early Learning Teacher

Friday Wombats

The Friday Wombat group really enjoyed making their own lava lamp. We used water, oil, food colouring and Alka-Seltzer tablets. There was great excitement when the bubbles started appearing in the oil! We also continued to practice a new self-regulation technique called 'five finger breathing'. The children held up one hand, and then using the pointer finger on their other hand, they traced up and down each finger, breathing in as they traced up the finger and breathing out as they traced down the finger. We talked about how deep breathing helps out bodies and minds feel calm and happy. We are looking forward to some Footy fun on our last day of term!


Bronwyn Wicks & Sharon Perry

Early Learning Teachers