Physical Education and Sports

'Healthy body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Heart.'

Sport News August 2022

Our Lady of Fatima School Sports

The OLOF School Sports were held on the 19th of August. It was great to have School Sports back on the calendar after we were unable to conduct them in 2020 and 2021. The weather was very kind to us with no rain and the sun was shining. I was more than a little worried when I was marking lines in the rain on Thursday evening!


Our Prep to Year 3 students completed an 8 activity rotation competing in these events/activities: Egg and spoon race, Javelin throw, Long distance run, Noughts and crosses relay, Bean bag toss, Sack race, Bounce ball relay and Beach ball blast


Our Year 4 to 6 students completed a six activity rotation competing in these events/activities: 

Shot put, Noughts and crosses relay, Volleyball , Number soccer, Team Dodge and Long Distance.


1st, 2nd and 3rd ribbons were awarded in some events, however every event allowed students to earn house points for their house team.


After the rotational activities/events it was time to head out to the sprints track. Again, 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed runners in the finals received ribbons and everybody who participated scored points for their house team. 


After adding up all of the points for the day our OLOF School Sports House Champion is……… McCombe! Congratulations students from McCombe. 


I would like to congratulate all of the students on their effort, behavior and sportspersonship throughout the day.  


I would like to thank the parents and secondary school students who offered their assistance and did a brilliant job of running events for our students on the day:  Cynthia Anderson, Claire Denison, Leanne Gallimore, Maddi Curran, Pina Miceli, Lyndall Wilde, Marie Clarke, Alicia Wanless, Mel Semple, Georgia Spiteri, Jaime Lyall and Noah Koole. 


Phillip District Athletics 

The Phillip District Athletics Carnival will be held at the Mornington Athletics Track on Wednesday the 7th of September. 

Our Lady of Fatima Athletics Team:

Stefan K, Owen T, Harrison B, Thomas R, Henry J, Ned C, Winter C, Meisha J, Charlotte W, Mia L, Alice McK, Madeleine A, Hayley C, Isabella A, Ruby C, Gemma S, Isla C, Marlee B, Isabelle U, Luke C, Chae C, Kurtis S, Max T, Archie B, Elizabeth McK, Leilani S, Sienna R, 

Evia S, Charlize T, Lucy G,Cooper W, William F, Louie F, Riley C, Cooper L, Harlen L,  

We wish you all the very best in your events. 



attached information for a Adult/Junior Fun Golf Event:   adult child event 2022.pdf


Dan Koole 

Physical Education Teacher