Book Week Incursion 

Ernesto Bobadilla

Author and illustrator, Sue DeGenarro visited BNW for an interactive incursion with the juniors. The junior students have been exploring one of Sue’s picture books this week, The Pros and Cons of Being a Frog, and were thrilled to meet her. During the one hour excursion, Sue shared her inspiration and steps she’d taken as both an illustrator and author for the picture book, We’re Stuck. As she read aloud, she talked about the development of characters, setting and problems and how they are intertwined. This of course, perfectly reflected what the students have recently been learning and practising as part of narrative writing exercises. Having also illustrated the picture book, Sue took the students through the thought process and artistic elements of the image: such as how she draws one character in close view, whilst the supporting characters, are not. This is a method she encouraged the students to try when they want to really highlight one’s character’s dilemma in their narrative. This was great segway in the rest of the incursion where Sue, step-by-step, modelled to the students how to draw some of the animal characters from the picture book. All students were thoroughly engaged and showed their talents as illustrators through using known shapes and were amazed at their ability to create hand-drawn picture book characters they had just read along with Sue! It was a wonderful experience for all and we are sure adds further passion and inspiration to the budding authors and illustrators amongst the juniors.