Student of the Week Awards Presented 12/8/22

Aria K. - 00L

This award goes to Aria for showing the HEART value of Excellence. Aria has enthusiastically worked on her reading goals this week. She has been building up her reading stamina and using letter clues to solve unknown words in her books. Aria, you are a Scoresby Superstar!

Jackson R. - 1/2D

This week, Jackson has embodied the HEART value of Excellence and Respect through all things he has achieved. His determination to do his personal best in the classroom does not go unnoticed. Jackson always demonstrates a love for learning and enjoys challenging himself to learn to his highest potential. Congratulations Jackson – you’re an all-round Scoresby SUPERSTAR!

Heath W. - 1/2G

This award goes to Heath for his wonderful attitude in class. He has been working independently on his poem and creating sentences by sounding out the letters that he hears. I am so proud of your efforts Heath, you are improving each day. Keep up the great work!

Aria K. - 1/2K

This award goes to Aria for the exceptional transition she has made to Scoresby Primary School. She has settled well into the classroom, bravely making new friends and contributing to class conversations. She is already showing her HEART Values both inside and outside the classroom. Well done, Aria. Welcome to Scoresby Primary School!

Bailey C. - 3/4B

This award goes to Bailey for being such a dedicated learner. He is a wonderful Mathematician and always challenges himself during PONT maths. Bailey has loved learning new skills in our Multiplication and Division unit. He used fantastic problem solving skills when working on our ‘Lots of Lollies’ challenge and even solved the problem! Keep up the great work Bailey!

Elena F. - 3/4K

This award goes to Elena for showing the HEART value of ‘Excellence’ in writing. Over the past few weeks she has written some fantastic poems, all carefully following the correct patterns. This week, she was able to creatively turn a cinquain poem about apples into a diamante poem. Keep up the wonderful attitude towards your learning Elena!

Ryan L. - 3/4S

This award is presented to Ryan for the increased work effort he has made in recent weeks. Ryan has demonstrated an eagerness to challenge himself in all areas and show his knowledge on the topic. Ryan, it is wonderful to see you displaying the Scoresby HEART value of Excellence. Keep up the great work.

Leah H. - Visual Arts

This award goes to Leah for her wonderful Modigliani style portrait. Students in 5/6 have been exploring and comparing portraits created by different artists. Leah demonstrated a terrific understanding of Modigliani’s work using an elongated face, nose and neck with the eyes positioned near the top of the head. Fabulous work Leah!

Logan S. - Performing Arts

This award goes to Logan for learning the Star Wars theme melody on the marimba. Logan, you learned this melody very quickly and performed it for the class with confidence and accuracy. Well done.  

Edgar K. - Physical Education

This award goes to Edgar for trying his best during our Softball incursion this week! Edgar followed each step to accurately throw the softball, catch using a glove and participate in a mini softball game with his peers. He also demonstrated great team work skills. Fantastic work Edgar!

Jake G. - Mandarin

This award acknowledges Jake for his work in Mandarin class. When learning about the words for different countries, Jake was enthusiastic in his learning. He said the countries in Mandarin multiple times, just to help him remember the words. Keep up the good work, Jake!