Covid-19 Information

Latest Information
- Any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 must now isolate for a minimum of 5 days instead of 7.
- If they are asymptomatic, they may return to school on day 6.
- If they are symptomatic, they must remain in isolation until day 7.
- If they have symptoms after 7 days, they are strongly advised to stay home until their symptoms have resolved.
- Those leaving isolation should consider taking a rapid antigen test before attending school.
- The Department of Education will be providing three deliveries of Rapid Antigen Tests to the school during Term 4, which will be distributed to staff and students.
Face Masks
- It is recommended by the Department of Health that face masks are worn in indoor settings or outside where physical distancing is not possible.
- As an additional risk mitigation, it is strongly recommended by Department of Health that anyone leaving isolation on day 6 or 7, wears a face mask indoors away from home, and outdoors where they cannot physically distance.
- For those leaving isolation on day 6, wear a mask for 5 days but particularly the first 2 days. For those who are leaving isolation on day 7, wear a mask for 4 days but particularly first 2 days.
Exemptions for testing and isolation
- The period of time when someone is considered a recently confirmed case and therefore exempt from testing and isolation requirements is 4 weeks.
- This means that staff and students who are household contacts of people with COVID-19 are required to undertake the testing and isolation requirements from 4 weeks after completing isolation with COVID-19.
- After the 4-week exemption period, students and staff members who are a household contact of a new COVID-19 case, must follow the rules for household contacts (see below), including reporting this to the school.
We encourage students and families to seek medical advice with respect to being vaccinated against Covid - 19; vaccination helps to protect families and our community.
We continue to follow Covid - 19 safety points at the College such as ventilation in classroom and work areas, the use of air purifiers and hand sanitiser.
Confirmed cases of Covid-19
- If a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test), parents/carers should complete the form on the Department of Health system or via the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
- Students (or their parents/carers) must also report a positive result to the school, either through the VicEd COVID portal or by phone on 5945 1433 or written notification; this is to ensure the school can support the student, record that they will be absent while in 5 day isolation, and let the rest of the school community know there has been a positive case onsite and that they should monitor for symptoms.
- Students who report a positive result must isolate for a minimum of five days and not attend school during that period.
- Students are to refrain from returning to school if they remain symptomatic, unless it is known that their symptoms are caused by an underlying health condition or medication.
- As an additional risk mitigation, staff and students who leave isolation after 5 days are strongly recommended to undertake rapid antigen testing in the days following their isolation and test negative before attending school and to wear a mask in indoor settings and outdoors where they cannot physically distance.
Household Contacts
- Where a student is a household contact of a positive case (that is, they have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility) they must inform the school.
- Household and household-like contacts are no longer required to quarantine as long as they take additional safety measures in the 7 days that would have been their quarantine period.
- If household contacts do not undertake the safety measures they are required to isolate and test on Day 1 and Day 6 of isolation. Household contacts are required to inform the school that they are attending during the 7 day period.
Transporting students to school when Covid positive
- Parents/carers are able to leave isolation if other arrangements cannot be made to transport their non-infectious child via private vehicle to and/or from school.
- The person leaving self-isolation must travel directly to and from the location, making no stops, unless there is an emergency or as required by law. They must remain in the vehicle at all times, unless it is reasonably necessary to leave the vehicle to deliver the person to and from school, and must wear a face covering whilst outside the place of self-isolation.