Community News

Cardinia Shire Council Youth Services Holiday Program
Cardinia Shire Council Youth Services are running a School Holiday Program for young people aged 12-17 years. Most of the activities are low cost or free and a bus service to and from some activities from selected locations is available.
Bookings for all activities are essential. Please click here for the booking form and details of all of the activities.
Please note that MyPlace Youth Centre is open for reduced hours during the school holidays - from 1pm to 5pm.
Asthma Management
- 1 in 9 people in Australia have asthma. That is around 2.7 million people (11% of the population.
- It is very important that we have up to date Asthma Management Plans for all of the students who have asthma at our school.
- If your children have asthma and have not returned their Asthma Action Plan, please complete the form available here (in colour) and return it to the school office as soon as possible next term.
People with asthma can have a range of symptoms:
- Breathlessness
- Wheezing
- Tight chest
- Persistent cough
- Symptoms often occur at night, early in the morning or during/after activity
A person's asthma symptoms can vary over time - sometimes they will have no symptoms, especially when asthma is well-controlled. Symptoms often vary from person to person.
If you would like to find out more about asthma please click here.
Year 7 Immunisations
Please be advised that the date for the second dose of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for Year 7 students is Thursday, 20th October 2022.
Buxwear Uniform Shop - Casual Work
The Buxwear Uniform Shop onsite at our College are looking for a casual worker.
If you are interested, please contact the Uniform Shop on 0419 400 644.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is located on-site (behind the gymnasium) and is open on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm - 4pm and Saturdays from 9am until 12:30pm during school terms.
We ask that you ensure that your child is in full school uniform each day and if this is not the case, please send a note advising when they will be in full school uniform.
We remind parents that:
- Shoes must be black, polishable, lace-up school shoes.
- Hoodies are not permitted at school at any time.
- Tracksuit pants are not a part of the uniform.
- The green polo shirt is part of the PE uniform and not for general use.
We appreciate your assistance with this matter.
State Schools' Relief Fund
State Schools' Relief is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation that supports the needs of disadvantaged government school students by providing new school uniforms, school shoes and a host of other essential educational resources, including learning devices.
Their service ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn assists students to engage in their learning and strengthen their educational outcomes.
If you need financial assistance with your child's education, please contact your child's team leader in the first instance to discuss your situation.
Please visit this link for more information.
Pakenham Level Crossing Removal Project
Please find attached information from the Level Crossing Removal project regarding the upcoming works in the area.
Works Notification: Henty Street traffic changes Monday 29 August until mid 2023
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