Community Sport

Toolamba Tennis Club
Open Day - Save the Date
The Toolamba Tennis Club will have an open day on Sunday 2nd October and will include:
- Cardio Tennis
- Hot Shots
- Serve Speed Competition
Stay tuned for more details and check out their Facebook page here
Shepparton Junior Tennis Assoc. (SJTA) Competition
Planning is underway for the 2022/23 junior summer tennis season. Matches are played on a Saturday morning with a proposed season starting date of Saturday 8th October. The SJTA offers playing grades from D grade (Doubles) through to A grade (Singles and doubles). Players need to be able to serve and return a ball to participate.
To register your interest, Please Click Here. Registrations close 2nd September.
For more information, please email
Tennis Coaching
Coaching is offered on a Tuesday night with our resident coach Mark Mills. Mark can be contacted on 0429 307 373.