Principal's Report

Dear Families,
Pyjama day was a great success! Over 380 pancakes were cooked, and 100 hot drinks prepared! Monica and Ramona were a fantastic help in the kitchen we certainly appreciated their efforts. Thank you also to the staff who assisted on the day, it was a great team effort.
Our breakfast club continues to be very popular. A big thank you to our parent helpers this week, Kasey, Monica and Dani. You certainly make the job so much easier and I know the children love seeing their parents helping around the school. There will be no breakfast club this week due to the Father's Day stall and breakfast.
Father’s Day is just around the corner. P&F are running their annual stall on Wednesday 31st August. Donations for the stall would be greatly appreciated. They can be sent along to school or left in the baskets in the foyer.
Helpers are wanted for the stall on Wednesday. If you are free on that day please come along.
Dads/grandfathers are invited to join us for breakfast on Friday 2nd September, from 7am onwards. We have egg and bacon sandwiches on the menu and a coffee van is available if you wish to purchase a hot drink. Please indicate via Qkr! the number of bacon and egg sandwiches required. This will assist us with catering.
Our whole school excursion to Shepparton is planned for the 15th of September. Students will go to KidsTown, SAM and ten pin bowling. The cost for the excursion is $12, families will receive an invoice for this. Excursion notices will be sent home this week. Parents are welcome to join us for the activities however you will have to use private transport.
Our next school council meeting is Monday 29th August at 6:30pm. Finance at 6pm. A webEX link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
For those people who received the survey link please take the time to complete the survey by Friday 16th September.
Somers Camp is fast approaching. For those students who are attending, the bus will be leaving from the car park opposite Shepparton Library, corner of Nixon and Marungi Street at 7.30 am on 6th September and arriving home to the same place at 2pm on 14th September.
Enjoy the slightly warmer weekend,
Regards Heather