Breakfast Club at Anytime?

Sharing the caring and acts of random kindness (ARK) amongst friends

Food! It is one of the basic needs of life to have food to eat. Without food we can not sustain life... 

We are strange creatures, because we do not just have it to survive, we dress it up, we play with it and we share it. It is a gesture of kindness, of care and of acknowledgment. It is a sign of celebration, nurture and hope.

Our Breakfast Club is an extraordinary place where you not only get some wonderful things to eat, but build skills and friendships. The Club is overseen by exceptional human being, Matt Tucker and has a team of helpers, both students and some staff are always willing to pitch in and help.


Several weeks back we had the unexpected news that the Canteen would be unable to open that day. Jumping at the opportunity to help out our hungry hoards was the Breakfast Club. It did deplete our stock of frozen cheese sandwiches and yet there were many happy  well fed students that day.

... meanwhile in Wellbeing...

Christian has used the colder Lunchtimes to keep warm building Lego at the Wellbeing hub.

Numeracy Week and Science Week- 

This year for numeracy week students competed in a lunchtime trivia event. The winners were:


3rd place: Tom Huynh

2nd place: Ali Babashahi

1st place: Blagojche Velichkovski


Thanks to Mr Stojakovic for facilitating the event, and to Raj Trehan for being the MC.

Photos and Events by Peter Olah- Director of Intervention- Numeracy and Mathematics Domain Leader.

Numeracy Week winners
Hot competition for Numeracy Week
Numeracy Week winners
Hot competition for Numeracy Week
Soda and Mentos rockets
Science Week Rockets
Soda and Mentos rockets
Soda and Mentos rockets
Science Week Rockets
Soda and Mentos rockets