Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 19 July
SRC Planning Day, periods 1 & 2
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Friday 21 July
Year 9 students receive link for their Subject Selections
Monday 24 July
Dental forms to be returned to Health Centre
Wednesday 26 July
Year 9 students attend DSC Subject Expo
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Thursday 27 July
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Strings Orchestra
Hawthorn Arts Centre, 8.45am - 12.30pm
Friday 28 July
Subject Selections close 4pm
Tuesday 1 August
SEAL Open Night, 5.30pm - 7pm
Wednesday 2 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
MyVideoGames ACMI excursion, 10.15am - 3.15pm
Friday 4 August
Australian Maths Competition, Years 7 - 10
Monday 7 - Friday 11 August
Sydney Music Tour
Wednesday 9 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Tuesday 15 August
Intermediate Sports Round Robin
Wednesday 16 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Wednesday 23 August
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Friday 25 August
Wear It Purple Day
Tuesday 29 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Wind Symphony
World Challenge Nepal Trivia Night, 6pm in the Senior Centre (Book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CJIQW)
Wednesday 30 August
Victorian Schools Music Festival, Concert Band
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Wednesday 6 September
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Thursday 7 September
Student Led Conferences
Wednesday 13 September
My Duke of Edinburgh - volunteering, selected Year 9 students
Friday 15 September
Last day of Term 3
DSC Subject and Careers Expo
Wednesday 26 July
This event isn't just for our current Senior School students - it's for you too, Year 9s! Next year you will begin your learning journey in the Senior School so it's time to start thinking about your future pathways. Year 9 students will participate in the Subject Expo to ask questions about different Year 10 and VCE subjects. Students will then participate in a 1 on 1 interview with their MYSELF teacher regarding the subject choices they have made.
Year 9 students selecting their Year 10 2024 subjects will need to submit their choices by Friday 28th July, 4pm.
Year 10 Curriculum Handbook
The Year 10 Curriculum Handbook has been updated to reflect the 2024 subject selections. The Handbook is provided on the DSC website under Learning > Curriculum Booklets. Or you can view the pdf below.
Intermediate Sport Round Robin
Tuesday 15 August
The Intermediate Sport Round Robin will be taking place on Tuesday 15th August. All Year 9 & Year 10 students that are interested in Basketball, Handball or Table Tennis should use the link below to SIGN UP NOW!
This is a reminder to all students that by signing up for a sport you have made a commitment to the school, coaches and other players that you will try your best at all tryout/training sessions and at the round robin tournament.
Please ensure that you complete the sign-up form by 4pm Friday 21st July 2023.
If you have any further questions about DSC Sport please come and speak to Eugene Pring in the Stadium office.
SIGN UP LINK: https://forms.office.com/r/0Eb0wmKyLL
Community Competition for National Tree Day - "Me and My Tree"
Join us this year as we invite students/classes to delve into the realm of poetry and storytelling, exploring the significance of a tree in our lives. The theme is "Me and My Tree".
Every tree has a story to tell. They are intricately intertwined with our ecosystem, environment, and wellbeing.
Trees forge deep connections with their surroundings and with us. Their branches provide shelter from the elements, offering a haven for local wildlife. They stand as silent witnesses to our dreams, and childhood adventures like games of hide-and-seek. Some trees grow alongside us, becoming deeply cherished and holding a special place in our hearts.
Branch out your creativity and let your words take root in our annual school and community competition, where trees inspire verses that soar to new heights.
How to enter:
- Submit a written poem, short story or a video sharing your poem or story (5MG or less).
- Your poem should be no longer than 40 lines.
- One entry per class or per individual.
- Submit to your Positive Climate for Learning and Community Engagement Leader - Ms. Chiuchiarelli
- High School - 2 x $1000 garden voucher
Competition closes Sunday 30th July 2023
More information can be found here: Schools Competition - National Tree Day (planetark.org)