
Miss McNamara

Welcome to term 3! We hope you all enjoyed the winter break and are excited for another fun filled term! 


We have started the term with new learning experiences and topics in the classroom including patterns in Maths, learning about what God has made compared to what people have made in Religion, writing using our senses and lots more. 


We have started looking at photos of Sully and learning about what we need to practise before he starts at school, including making sure to pack up our things (especially food we drop on the floor during healthy snack). While we are very keen to pat him, we understand we need to give him space to start with. 


We are also looking forward to Book Week, Swimming, continuing with Auslan and Kelly Sports, 100 Days of Prep, celebrating Father’s Day and lots more! Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered to come and help us with our Reading block during the week, we are very grateful!


Curriculum Notes