Messages from Mrs Trewick


Welcome to Term 3.

Students and staff have started back with strong routines and expectations. 


2024 Enrolments

We invite prospective families to a 'Come & Try' Information Evening on Tuesday 1st August @ 6.00pm.


There will be opportunities to meet some staff and experience learning in action. Teacher led activities will be on offer for parents/carers to try.


The wider community is invited to make an appointment for a tour of the school by ringing the school office on 

5484 1797. We would be thrilled to share our facilities with you and to talk more about the learning opportunities we offer.



Building Update

We are excited to see works on the Kildare Centre and look forward to coming together as a community towards the end of Term 3.

Some of the internal rooms (storage) in the main building have been restored so when the concrete is down, the restoration will happen quickly.

I hope most of you saw my message last week about the building progress. If not, it is below.


5/6 CAMP

We are receiving great reports from Anglesea. 

The photos coming through are of children and staff having a blast!

At this time they are expected to return by 3.00pm. Updates will be posted if the times change.


We have lots of exciting learning experiences coming up this term. 

  • Kelly Sports with Wade
  • Auslan with Tim
  • Science Week
  • Book Week
  • Literacy & Numeracy Week
  • Grade 3 - 6 Athletics in Kyabram
  • Father's Day
  • Swimming

The Community Learning Days proved successful and will continue in Term 3. Children will participate in multi-age learning to celebrate and acknowledge the 'focus' weeks.


Take care and stay in touch.