College life in pictures

Awards celebrate our aspiring writers 

Year 12 students, Lucy Gluskie and Grace Campbell were formally acknowledged and celebrated for their writing achievements at the 2023 What Matters? Tasmania awards presentation evening, held on Friday 4 August.

Lucy and Grace received their awards with their proud parents, and Secondary Teacher, Mrs Angela Fraser, watching on. 


A big congratulations again to Lucy and Grace, as our Year 11/12 Winner and Year 11/12 Highly Commended recipient respectively, and to Ashlee Cripps (Year 12), who was also shortlisted in the national competition, which received more than 400 entries in Tasmania, reflecting an exceptionally high standard.  

Cricket blitz

Our boys in Year 2 were thrilled to rub shoulders with some of their sporting role models during a recent cricket clinic run at the St Virgil's College Junior School campus. Hurricanes and Tigers Captain Elyse Villani, Hurricanes All-Rounder Heather Graham and Tigers Batter Tabatha Saville led the session, giving the students an introduction to the fundamentals of the game. 

100 Days of Prep 

Dressed in their best granny-inspired attire, the Prep Bilbies and Possums marked their 100th day of Prep on 7 August with a variety of 100-themed activities, ranging from creating collages and special hats to beading bracelets, decorating cookies and tucking into delicious fairy bread. We are incredibly proud of our young learners and all they have achieved in such a short amount of time.

Preps open a new can of worms!

Prep students were very excited to welcome Mr Phil Shanny and his worm farms into their classroom recently to learn about all things composting and how they can care for their very own worms. The Preps enjoyed viewing their new worms close up and were armed with plenty of slimy questions to put our Sustainability Officer to the test. 

Canine Kindergarten services

Does your dog need grooming? Look no further than our Kinder students, who have recently brushed up on their pooch-pampering skills thanks to a visit from Millie, the school's therapy dog-in-training. Millie was more than happy to oblige to the grooming session, which saw students learn about the special tools used to keep Millie's fur clean and presentable for her duties at the College. We think she looks a million bucks!