From the Principal

 Damian Messer

It is hard to believe we are already into Week 4 of Term 3. This term has, so far, been extremely busy with numerous activities and learning opportunities for students. Last Wednesday we enjoyed some cake with the Year 12s as we celebrated a significant milestone in their journey at the College—50 days remaining until the last day of school. We wish the students every success for their final days at St Mary's College and look forward to supporting them through their final assessments and examinations. 

Father's Day Breakfast | Wednesday 30 August at 7.45am, College Green 

We look forward to welcoming all fathers, special persons, daughters and sons to attend our Father's Day celebration, where a complimentary breakfast will be enjoyed on the College Green. Please find more information on the breakfast in the 'Take note' section of this newsletter or register your attendance online here

House spirit 

House spirit is alive and well at the College. Our House Prefects have continued to build friendly House spirit and culture at the College as they encourage students to support their House charities by participating in fundraising events and initiatives. All Houses have made great progress with their fundraising efforts (the combined fundraising total currently stands at approximately $1,560—a wonderful achievement!), with Manresa House Week to be held later this term. We have no doubt the standard will be just as high.

Junior School Open Morning 

Thank you for continuing to share what you love about St Mary's College with your family and friends. We still have some vacancies in all our year groups in the Junior School for 2024. There will be an opportunity for prospective families to attend a Junior School Open Morning on Thursday 21 September, and we encourage you to share this event within your networks. Registrations can be made online here

Key enrolment dates 

  • Applications remain open for Kindergarten to Year 3, 2023.
  • Applications are open for Kindergarten to Year 5, 2024.
  • Now accepting applications for Year 7, 2025.