School News

Holiday Learning Plans
If you are planning a holiday within the school term, your child's teacher will provide an Absent Learning Plan, so they can continue with their learning, and not fall behind. Please contact your child's teacher and the school office with any holiday dates so that plans can be organised before you head off.
Should you have any questions please contact your class teacher
Hot Chocolate Lucky Dip Spinner
Keep an eye out for a compass notification for our next hot chocolate date. Bring along $1 to enjoy a warm chocolaty drink. If you purchase a hot chocolate your name goes into the Lucky Dip Spinner, if your name is drawn out at assembly you will win a prize like these two happy recipients.
Breakfast Club
What another fantastic few weeks in Breakfast Club this term!
We have had so many students visit us in the mornings for delicious toasties, cereals and milos to help kick start their learning day! It’s also been wonderful to be inundated with so many students eager to volunteer their time to help make Breakfast Club an amazing experience for all!
If your child is keen to be a Breakfast Club helper, they are welcome to see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen to join our growing roster of amazing volunteers.
Helper of the Week awards!
This week’s Helper of the Week award has been presented to Finn Beagley and Charlotte Lancaster.
They have been wonderful helpers many mornings during our busy week, assisting with bringing in the dirty dishes tub, learning how to stack the dishwasher and even serving toast to our school community! It’s been wonderful watching them grow in confidence when attending our Breakfast Club program each morning!
Congratulations !
Last week our helper of the week went to Maddie Beagley, Jondy Keay & Kellie Jennings.
Care Packages and Milo Donations!
Due to our generous donations, Breakfast Club has been able to support many families this term through the provision of Care Packages. Our Traf Pantry (found in the Gym Foyer), continues to be stocked with many excellent products, available to anyone - and they’re free!
If you would like to receive a Care Package or know of a family who may benefit, feel free to drop into our School Office, see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen.
A shout out goes to those who generously donate goods to our breakfast club , IGA Trafalgar, Bakers Delight Morwell, Gracies Bakery Trafalgar, RTL Morwell.
Thank you again to all families who have generously donated tins of Milo to our Breakfast Club. Our students have absolutely loved the warm milos each morning. Any extra donations would be most appreciated!
Variety Grants & Scholarships
New Toilets
Our new toilets are finally up and running, the refurbishment looks great.
Uniform Shop Update
Our school uniform shop is open for business.
Polo shirt | Child 6 – 16 Adult S – L
| $28.00 $31.00 |
Jumper (zip) | Child 6 – 16 Adult S – L
| $42.00 $50.00 |
Jumper (hoodie) | Child 6 – 16 Adult S – L
| $37.00 $42.00 |
Hat | S/M/L
| $25.00 |
Students may also wear white and red checked dresses, black shorts/skirts, or black pants .
We also have a selection of secondhand items available from the school office, however sizes may be limited.
Should you require any further assistance regarding uniforms, please contact the school office on 5633 1566.
BEBRAS Challenge 2023
What is it?
The Bebras Competition is a competition designed to test students on their ability to solve complex problems in informatics and computational thinking, but with no coding involved! Students of all ages, across 30 different countries compete on a yearly basis to prove themselves on an international stage.
Students can work by themselves or in teams of up to 4 students. The students work together to solve problems and submit answers to see how they do against students in other schools and across the globe.
It’s a great opportunity to challenge their thinking skills and problem solving!
When is it?
30 August 2023
Who can do it?
Any students in Grades 3 to 6
Where is it?
Trafalgar Primary School
More information?
Any Questions?
If you have any questions, please come and see Ms Ross in LA10.
Come and see Ms Ross by 11th August to register your interest now.
Expression of interest will close on Friday 11th August.
Hope to see you all there!!
Foundation Enrollments
Please follow this link for information about our 2024 Transition Program including school visits, parent informaiton sessions and tours.
Parent Zone Newsletter
Term 3