
This coming Friday evening will see the College host the Quarter Finals of the CSDA Debating Championships. St Patrick’s College will be well represented with the following teams having reached this stage of the competition: 12A, 11A, 11B, 9A, 9B, 8A and 8B.
This is a fantastic achievement given there are over 80 schools competing and SPC have more than half of our teams reaching the top three in their categories. Best wishes are extended to the boys competing this Friday and their coaches. I would strongly encourage boys to come and support their peers as they do their best to represent the College with distinction. At this stage it appears that the competition will commence with the coin toss at around 5:00 PM with the debates then commencing around 6:00 PM. Please note that these times are to be confirmed.
I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, commend and thank Mrs Burgess who has been doing a magnificent job overseeing the Debating Program in Mrs Lombardo’s absence.
Supporters’ Duty
A reminder that Years 5 and 11 have been designated Supporters’ Duty this Saturday 22 July. All boys are to report to the Powell Pavilion between 1:00 PM - 1:15 PM dressed in correct College sporting attire or Winter College uniform and have their names marked off. Once this has been completed, Year 5 boys will move to SPC No. 2 to support the College First XI and then move to Breen Oval in time to watch the First XV. Year 11 Boys will move directly to the Breen Oval Stand once they get their name marked off the roll to watch the Second XV fixture followed by the First XV game. Boys will be dismissed from Breen Oval at the conclusion of the First XV game; approximate time is 4:50 PM.
Boys who are representing St Patrick’s in College fixturesplayed later in the day are to seek out their Year Coordinator upon arrival. These students will inform their Year Coordinator of what team they played in, the location of the fixture and the start time.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular