Faith, Justice and Formation

St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol
One of the largest and most important service activities in which the whole College community is involved is our work with St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol. We have a number of teams that go out in the Night Patrol vans throughout the year made up of both teaching and non-teaching staff, parents/carers, Old Boys, former staff, and many of our Year 11 boys as part of their Social Justice Service program.
We also support this work by preparing sandwiches and snack packs to take out to those in need across our community. This preparation takes place at school and is usually undertaken by staff and boys from Years 9 and 10.
During the holidays we had three days of sandwich making where members of the SOL Parent Group assisted. These parents and some of their families (including the sisters of some of our boys) generously gave their time along with Mr Fela and Ms Osorio Narvaez, to ensure that we were able to keep our commitments to this vital service during the school holidays. We are very grateful for their generosity of time.
If you are interested in being involved in the work of our SOL Parent Group and would like to find out more, please contact Mrs Claudia Elias at
Friday Morning Mass
This is a reminder and an invitation that Mass is celebrated in the College Chapel every Friday morning at 8:10 AM. Each Friday the Mass is led by a different part of our community: year group or house group. This Friday will be led by staff.
All boys are encouraged to attend, and parents/carers are also warmly invited to join us.
Winter Sleepout
For those students who have registered and returned their permission slips to take part in this year’s Winter Sleepout, please note the following arrangements:
Winter Sleepout 2023
Date: Friday 21 July 2023 – Saturday 22 July 2023
Starting Time: Friday 6:00 PM
Finishing Time: Saturday 8:00 AM
- Boys who have co-curricular on Friday must still attend to their commitments.
- Boys who have training can stay on after training ready to start at 6:00 PM.
- Otherwise, they can go home first and then return to school for 6:00 PM.
- When they arrive, they need to report to the College Hall to sign in.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity