Parents and Friends

Welcome Back
Welcome back! We trust you and your boys had a restful break and are recharged for Term 3. We wish the Year 12 boys and their families a very memorable and enjoyable last term at St Patrick’s College.
This term is another busy one. We will once again need your help with the Supporters’ Day barbeque this Saturday 22 July and ‘Back to Breen’ on Saturday 19 August.
We will need help with serving supper for the Major Works Display on Wednesday 30 August, along with the Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 1 September. We will keep you posted with such events and the help required.
This term, we are also very excited to hold our annual Trivia Night.
On Friday 8 September we are holding Trivia Night at Strathfield Golf Club and we hope this event will prove to be as popular as the Blue Black and Gold Dinner. Apart from getting together to enjoy good company and trivia, the Trivia Night will also act as the P&F’s major fundraiser for 2023. All money raised on the night will assist in providing support for College initiatives.
Please note, all donations can be delivered to College Reception. If you are donating alcohol, students will not be allowed to deliver these items to the school. Alcohol must be delivered by an adult. Alternate arrangements can be made by contacting: Nerida Shipley on 0417 448 618 or Dione Fague 0404 073 068.
Thank you to everyone who have already donated to the event. It is greatly appreciated.
Year 5/Year 11 Supporters’ Day Barbeque – 22 July
Our next Supporters’ Day is this Saturday 22 July. It would be great if we could have the support of Year 5 and Year 11 families at the barbeques. Many hands make light work! Any time you can spare will be appreciated. If you would like to volunteer, please use the following link to register.
Parents' and Friends' Committee