Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Photo by: George Gittany

From the Head of Sport 19 July

Welcome back to all students and parents/carers for Term 3. 


This term sees the Winter teams chasing premierships, with many well-positioned to have strong finishes to the end of the Rugby, Football and Tennis seasons. 

  • The last round of ISA Tennis will be on Saturday 5 August with the finals following the week after, Saturday 12 August at Barker College. 
  • Rugby this year will finish on Satuday 19 August with the College hosting St Augustine’s College on our annual Back-to-Breen Day.
  • Regular season ISA Football games finish on Saturday 5 August with ISA Semi Finals on Saturday 12 August and Grand Finals on Saturday 19 August. (Please note only First XI – Fifth XI, 16A, 16 B, 15A – 15D, 14B – 14E and 13A – 13F Football teams are potentially involved in these finals). All other Football teams will play fixtures up to and including Saturday 12 August. 

You will now be able to view the Draft Draws – Tennis, Football and Rugby for the remaining half of the season via the SPC App or on the College website under the Co-curricular tab, Sporting page. (Once clicking the link, you can scroll through the various sports using the tabs provided at the bottom). 


Please note times and venues are subject to change hours before the scheduled fixtures take place for a variety of reasons, not least of all the weather. It is also important to note that TBA or TBC should not be interpreted as a Bye


The Athletics season commences with training in Week 3 and the first invitational carnival on Saturday 26 August concluding with the ISA Championships on Tuesday 12 September. 


You may wish to make a note of the Winter seasons Annual Presentation Evenings:

  • Rugby Presentation Evening will be on Wednesday 13 September – 
    7:15 PM to 9:00 PM (Gym)
  • Football and Tennis Presentation Evening will be on Thursday 14 September – 
    7:15 PM to 9:00 PM (Gym and Robson Auditorium), 

Towards the end of Term 3, Summer trials will commence in Baseball, Cricket and Basketball and thus begin a new co-curricular year with boys signing up for these sports.

RUGBY – Travel to Orange

The Rugby fraternity will travel over the mountains to play Kinross Wolaroi School, Orange on Saturday 12 August. Below you will find a list of the teams playing in Orange and the starting times of their respective matches.


St Patrick’s vs Kinross Wolaroi

First XV

3:15 PM


11:00 AM

Second XV

2:00 PM


1:00 PM

Third XV



12:00 Noon


12:00 Noon


11:00 AM


11:00 AM


12:00 N


1:00 PM


11:00 AM


12:00 Noon


Later this week your son will receive a letter detailing some information about the trip to Orange. It is the College’s expectations that all rugby players will attend except for those in the Fourth XV, Fifth XV, 15C, 13C and 13D teams. (Please note some students will be instructed by their coaches to join the grade above to ensure the team has an adequate number of substitutes). 


This letter will also provide details for those wishing to catch the bus. Signed permission slips must be returned to me by Thursday 3 August.


On behalf of the College, I wish to extend my congratulations to Alessandro Romeo (Year 12) and Joseph Hatem (Year 12) for their selection in the NSW CIS Football team further to their participation at the end of last term in the NSW All Schools Football Championships. Both Alessandro and Joseph represented the College and their families with pride and distinction. 


I also make special mention of Alessandro on his selection in the NSW School Boys team who will compete later this term. This is a significant achievement personally for Alessandro but also for the College, becoming the first SPC student in the past 26 years to gain selection to this team. 


Congratulations Alessandro and good luck!


Anthony Calavassy

Head of Secondary Sport

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