Student Leaders Corner

On Friday 28th August, the Executive Leaders, along with the SRCs and some of the House Captains, had the privilege of attending the ceremony held to commemorate the raising of the flags. These were the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags located in front of the Stem Centre.
The ceremony acknowledged the three symbols which represent the original custodians of the land along with the work which has been done throughout Australia to heal the errors made when Australia was still becoming a recognised nation. The ceremony included a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, conducted by Uncle Mark Brown. He welcomed our community to walk through the smoke and encouraged us to honour the roots of our nation, the people who built our nation and continue to build it today - particularly our elders.
The ceremony also welcomed Gabrielle Williams, the Minister for Mental Health in Victoria and a strong representative and activist for the Indigenous Community in Australia. In her speech, she discussed the importance of the flags in their symbolism. More importantly, she acknowledged Australia's history and highlighted the importance in education to share this history with young people, in the hope to strengthen the community in Australia to better heal the many mistakes made by this country's forefathers.
The Flag Ceremony was a significant moment in our school's history. It represents the moment where Dandenong High School formally recognised Australia's past and valued the students who are part of the Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander community. It was a moment shared by teachers and students who are a part of these communities as well as those, like myself, who were graciously welcomed into it.
Rachael Borg
School Captain