What's going on in 


Year 10 Outdoor Education 

The Year 10 Outdoor Education class participated in a 3-day Mt Feathertop walk in the Alpine National Park. We were very lucky to have sunshine as we toiled with heavy packs mostly uphill to Federation Hut arriving in the dark to set up tents then cook dinner in the hut. The next day, we attempted Mt Feathertop (1922m), but were foiled by ice and snow with low cloud coming in. After lunch at the hut, we walked part of the Razorback and had a big snow fight before returning to camp for dinner and games of Mafia and Charades. It started snowing at 7pm, so we had to clear off snow on tents and repeg before going to sleep. It snowed heavily about 12-20 cm overnight. Up at 5.30am, we saw a stunning sunrise as we struggled to pull down frozen tents. It was a winter wonderland as we walked in sunshine back down to Harrietville. The walk was very special with a great group of students, stunning views and difficult conditions. A trip we will never forget!!!

Year 9 Youth Development Outdoor Focus

The 9YD class are completing their Duke of Ed Bronze Award this year and participated in a basic rope skills unit program for the Skill component in Term 2. This unit will enable students to understand safety, equipment, terminology, knots, and necessary skills and knowledge in preparation for safe participation in caving and climbing. 


Check out the students completing two sessions at Bayside indoor Climbing! 

Here they are Caving at Labertouche Caves!

And lastly, some amazing photos of the students climbing and abseiling at Werribee Gorge at Falcon’s lookout.


Mrs Buckland

9YD teacher