What's going on in 

Arts DDT?

Music Winter Concert

What a joy it was to witness our incredibly talented music students take the stage again! The atmosphere was electrifying as they poured their hearts into their performances.


If you couldn't be there in person, don't worry! We've got you covered with a video of the concert! Watch and be captivated by the melodic brilliance of our young musicians.

Click the video below to experience the magic! 

Visual Arts Update

How quickly time flies when we are all busy! The Visual Arts have been attending some exciting excursions. At the end of June, the Yr10 Art and VCD students visited the Melbourne Now Exhibition, where Design and Art meet. The Yr11 and Yr12 Art Making and Exhibiting students attended the Pierre Bonnard Exhibition, which also included a lecture regarding the roles in the Art Industry where they had the opportunity to listen to the curator, the exhibition designer and the conservator. Students were given an opportunity to listen to these speakers regarding the work they do day by day and how their role varies. Yr11 Art Making and Exhibiting students are beginning their final artworks and are creating their own thematic exhibitions while Yr12 are working towards their final artworks and are also preparing for their critiques which includes how their own artwork would be set up in an exhibition.

Junior students in Art are learning the skills of observation where eventually they will create a self -portraits. Yr9 art students are learning about colour mixing and will be creating a painting this term. Yr10 Art are working on developing ideas for their printmaking work.


In VCD, junior students are working towards creating snake and ladder board games which also consist of them researching symbols of snakes and their own culture. Yr9 and Yr10 students are working on Environmental Designs which are either tiny homes or shipping containers. Yr11 Students are also working on Environmental Designs where they research various houses and floor plans and then develop their own designs using the technical Australian specifications, while Yr12 have completed their pitch and gathering results to see which design works best so that they are able to create final design productions.


In Media, Yr9 students are working on understanding suspense films, which will allow them to create their own suspenseful short film. Yr10 Media students are working on Photographic skills which will lead into creating streetscape photos next term. Yr11 Media are beginning pre-productions for their narratives, while Yr12 are finishing their production work and now beginning their unit on Agency and Control in and of the Media.


Finally, we have our dates for our annual exhibition where we will be celebrating the Visual Arts Senior and Junior works. Place this date in your diary! 







All are welcomed to celebrate with our students! There will be our usual raffle draws and light refreshments provided by our students, as well as music played by our students. There is no cost for this event and all families are welcome. We look forward to seeing you on the night.


Mrs Lewis

Visual Arts Learning Leader