Hakea House

Hello everyone and welcome back to Term 3! I hope you've all had an amazing holiday and are ready for school.
I am Sahar A, the Hakean SRC for Year 9 this year. This year is my first time being in the SRC and I'm very glad to have the ability to grant my classmates wishes.
This year’s Social Service charity for Hakea is Food Bank Australia, in particular servicing the wider Dandenong community. Food Bank work with frontline charities and school breakfast programs to provide meals to those who could use a hand every year. Hakea look forward to a host of fundraising events this term.
Congratulations to Hakea on finishing third in the House Chorales competition. Thank you to those Hakeans involved as it was a big commitment.
We are doing our absolute best to ensure that everyone is pleased with our choices and events.
We wish you good luck with this term.
Sahar A
Year 9 SRC
Hakea House