Education in Faith


Education in Faith - Feast of the Transfiguration – Year A


Have you thought? Transfigured / Transformed

Jesus’ transfiguration was a physical transformation that was able to be witnessed by his disciples. In our lives we have many transforming moments but they are rarely obvious to others as Jesus’ transfiguration. Sometimes we fail to recognise a transformative event until well after the fact – sometimes years later. It might be nice if our clothes began to shine white whenever something significant and transformative was happening to us! It might help us to pay attention to the important and life-changing moments of our lives instead of letting them slip by!


Discussion Starters

Why did Jesus invite only three disciples to witness the Transfiguration?

Why was the appearance of Moses and Elijah significant?

Have you ever had a ‘transforming’ experience – something that changed you?

When have you ever had the experience of not wanting to ‘go back down the mountain’?

What was Jesus trying to show the three disciples by allowing them to accompany him?

In what way/s was Jesus the fulfilment of the Law and the Prophets?

Why do we sometimes struggle to recognise transformative experiences when they occur?

Have you ever had a life-changing moment that you were conscious of as it occurred?

Do you think the disciples were transformed by witnessing this event?


Sacramental News and Dates


ReconciliationFriday, 25th August @ St. Kevin’s Church – during School Time
Family WorkshopTuesday, 29th August @6pm @SFS
Reflection Day with BishopThursday, 31st August @SFS during School Time
Sacrament of ConfirmationSaturday, Sep 2nd 12pm @ St. Kevin’s Church


Sacrament Levy

There is a $25 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for the Sacrament.
  • children receiving Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation and practice by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received at the start of the year, before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.


Feast of the Assumption of our Blessed Lady

We will be celebrating this day of obligation with a Mass on Tuesday, 15th August at 2pm in our School Hall. All are welcome.

God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose






A reminder to students that they can earn house points by demonstrating community spirit which includes our PBL values, especially the PBL focus for this week which is KINDNESS in outdoor spaces. Play fairly and be a good sport


The results so far are:



3 819



3 564



3 538



2 693

Well done Patrick but the other Houses are catching up! Remember we have all of this term and next so one of the other houses may take the lead.



On Thursday August 10th Mini Vinnies will have the opportunity to attend our first Soup and Chat evening. The focus of the evening will be raising awareness about homelessness which is an issue not only within our local community but the wider community also. We have invited the Vinnies Youth Engagement Team to come and present a variety of engaging activities to raise awareness. There will also be a fundraising element to this evening and students will then decide which Vinnies Program they would like to support.


Students have been given their fundraising sheet and as a group we have decided to donate the money we raise to the Vinnies Soupvan. This is a cause that is dear to my heart as I volunteer on the South Eastern Soupvan weekly. On the evening, I will also be sharing with Mini Vinnies information about the soupvan so they know where the money they collect is going to.


I would like to say a big thank you to all the Mini Vinnie parents that have offered to make soup or donate items for the evening. I said to my Mini Vinnies on Wednesday, now I know why you are so willing to help others, because your parents are the same and have modelled this to you. A sincere thanks to all the parents who are assisting.



A reminder to students that they can earn house points by demonstrating community spirit which includes our PBL values, especially the PBL focus for this week which is KINDNESS in outdoor spaces. Play fairly and be a good sport


The results so far are:



3 819



3 564



3 538



2 693

Well done Patrick but the other Houses are catching up! Remember we have all of this term and next so one of the other houses may take the lead.


Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies