Student Awards

Student of the Week 28/07/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Elena | Elena always has a wonderful smile that makes you feel happy even on the dullest of days. She has approached all tasks with enthusiasm this week and has produced some very pleasing work. A great effort, Elena. Well done! |
12C | Sadie | For working really well during independent learning time. You have completed your tasks to a high standard. It has been great to see you helping others in the classroom. Keep up the great work! |
23R | Lexie | For being well organised and always listening carefullyt to instructions. You stay focussed on each task and strive to do your best. Keep up the great work! |
34W | Eloise | You are a conscientious learner who likes to accomplish her personal best in all learning areas. You work well with your peers in small group tasks. Well done, Eloise!
34S | Ajay | Ajay, I love the way that you always volunteer to clean and vacuum the classroom, and you quietly show your kindness every day! |
Liam | Liam, you wrote several very creative and engaging poems, showing you can experiment with writing in a range of styles. You also summarised your poems very concisely. In addition, you were very successful in Maths tasks this week, accurately completing a range of Maths problems and showing your working out effectively. Super effort!
Science | Tyler | This week’s Science Award goes to a student who produced excellent work for the topic of The Human Heart & Lungs. Congratulations to Tyler. |
Dance/ Health | Benny | For his wonderful concentration during meditation and for the improvement he has shown in listening to instructions. You have tried very hard to focus and not become distracted during dance practice which I am very pleased to see. You also did a wonderful job on our mindful walk, identifying lots of things that you saw, heard, smelt, and felt and were able to confidently share this with the class. Well done Benny, keep up the fantastic work!
Values Rohan | Jersey | This week’s Values Award goes to an amazing student who is hard-working, kind to others and a great listener. Congratulations to Jersey. |
Maths Master of the Week 28/07/2023
Class | Student | Reason |
| Aoife | Aoife has applied herself conscientiously to all maths tasks this week. She has been able to create and solve equations in both addition and subtraction. Her work on Patterns and Numbers was excellent. Presentation of work is always of a high standard. Great work Aoife – keep it up! |
| Elijah | For showing an understanding of the topics covered this week. You were so confident when you stood in front of the class and counted by fours all the way to 100! Keep up the great work, Eli! |
| Liham | For working responsibly and confidently on his making and measuring activity. Liham also willingly helped other students with the task. Keep up the great work! |
| Blake | You have displayed competent estimation skills during our measurement tasks this week. Well done, Blake!
34S | Jack | Your enthusiasm for all things maths is impressive – you leave no stone unturned in your search for mathematical understanding! |
John | For showing an excellent understanding of maths concepts as you accurately solved a wide variety of written maths problems. John, you also produced quality work as you successfully completed a range of activities focusing on the measurement of the angles in a triangle. A fantastic effort!