Student Leaders 

News & Awards 

Ms Antonella

IGNATION Award:    No award this week.


Student Class Awards (From our last Assembly in Week 3 of Term 3)

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

1 / 2 MB




For working hard on her information animal report in literacy. Keep up the great work, Christina!


1/2  RT



Alexia DFor sounding out the initial and end sounds of words. Keep up the great work Alexia!

1/ 2  UR



Tim LFor his wonderful non-fiction report!

3/4 MG



Kyla G

Always being focussed to complete her learning tasks very well. 


3/4 TR



Louiza R

For showing improvement with her fraction work during maths


5/6  FA



Lucy B

Working hard in class to improve her skills and knowledge.


5/6 BOC



Anh C

Thank you Anh for being brave and showing resilience while presenting your speech. We admire your growth mindset and risk taking!


Visual Arts - Ms Plackett



Angus Q

For creating an imaginative and funny collage, inspired by the artist Hannah Hoch! 


Performing Arts- Ms Stanton



William M (1/2RT)For creating interesting and unique movements for a group dance and actively listening to his team members.

Sport- Mrs Mcleary



Indigo W

Prep CD


Excellent control in gymnastics when demonstrating a Forward Roll.

Leaders and SRC Meeting  Week 4

Present: Douglas, Yagmur, Amy, Mikayla, Cam,

Christian, Tie, Anthony, Aidan, Olivia, Tsnu, Thomas,

Lucas, Amout

Date: Monday 31 July 2023

Teacher Present: Mrs Antonella


  • A reminder for all classes to have their class SRC meeting. Your class leaders will then share with the school leaders.If you need support please ask a senior leader to lead your class meeting.
  • 'Caught being Good'  teachers please remind your class what the students should be looking for - slips need names and a reason related to our Positive Behaviours for Learning or our school values- Community, Excellence and Respect. Students should not be asking for an award or nominating their friends.


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep - 6 we need to reset our learning space and be ready for learning

1/2MB- 10 - fantastic learning from everyone


1/2 UR-

3/4MG - 9 listening and asking questions in class

3/4TR 10/10 everyone working hard

5/6FA - 8 completing our tasks well

5/6BOC - 8 focused and ready to learn


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep - 7 - trying hard to do all our work

1/2MB- 5 -we need to listen to each other when we are in a group



3/4MG 8 - group work and solving problems together

3/4TR 9- sharing ideas

5/6FA- 9 - because a lot of people have been taking turns

5/6BOC- 10- because we have been working on our open-ended maths tasks really well and preparing for the Art Show. 


Learning and events in our school this week:

  • Divisional Soccer for year 5/6 boys today - Good luck!
  • St Ignatius Feast day Mass at 10 am and fun Kaboom activity in the afternoon
  • BOITE choir performance on Thursday night at Melbourne Town Hall
  • 'Speak with Power' session in 5/6 classes
  • Year 1/2 are going to Scienceworks next week
  • Year 3/4 will be going to the Lume
  • Maths Competition on this Wednesday
  • In Prep we are predicting what will happen in a story
  • In year 1/2 we are learning lots of strategies for subtraction and writing information reports
  • In 3/4 we are learning about authors and preparing for the Morris Gleitzman visit next Monday!!
  • In 5/6 we are investigating length and Indigenous culture as part of the unit on discovery
  • LOTS of preparations are happening for the ART show!

What can we improve

 on this week:


In the sand pit we need to be careful about flicking sand up when we are digging and playing


 Remind students that sand in the eyes is painful and we need to be careful - also to clean our clothes and empty our shoes!
Table tennis balls are being broken in heavy competition hit outs 

Take more care of the ping pong balls and not hit so hard

Put bats and balls in the box under the table tennis table



Lunch boxes on the yard


Check the area around the classroom for lunch boxes - 

A great effort with the quiet area at the moment- Well done!


SRC Representative ACTIONS for this week

School Leaders and SRC  will be looking out for students ‘Caught Being Good’.

They will  be nominating students who are responsible, respectful and ready to learn. 

Discuss what these qualities look like.

Respectful - listening, waiting turn, walking through corridor quietly, greeting/speaking to people politely

Responsible - throwing rubbish in the bin, picking up rubbish, returning sports equipment, helping others, kindness

Ready to Learn - listening to the speaker, having materials ready for learning, being on time in class or at school.