Year 3 Term 2 Overviews

Year 3 Term 1 Overview
Welcome, to our new and returning families. The term has begun with establishing the routines and expectations for grade 3 students, as well as developing a sense of community in each classroom. We are working together to develop strong relationships with your child tounderstand and support their social, emotional and academic learning strengths and needs. Our vision at DCC is to inspire and empower thinkers, and we look forward to a wonderful year of learning together.
In Reading, we will be investigating how fiction and non-fiction texts are structured and explain their purpose. Students will access background knowledge, compare previous understandings and make connections between texts on the same topic or similar content to create new understandings. They will search for information in sentences with multiple clauses or phrases. Students will summarise the important information in a text in a clear and logical way.
In Writing, students will develop their knowledge around sourcing and recording ideas, building their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar to help them craft simple and complex sentences. They will continue to improve their spelling and handwriting skills. Students will be exploring persuasive writing first up this term.
In Maths, Students have begun Number Sense Workshops in order to broaden their skills and strategies and deepen their understanding of multiplicative thinking. They will be covering length and area and learning about collecting, representating and interpreting data. Students will collect data, organise into categories and create displays, such as lists, tables and simple column graphs.
They will learn to measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units. Multiplicative thinking is a concept that will continue to be taught to students throughout the duration of the year as it is considered ‘a big idea’ in years 3 and 4. They will be taught strategies in order to recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and their related division facts. They will also learn how to represent and solve real life worded maths problems using efficient and creative mental, written and representational strategies, such as drawing diagrams and tables and making models and writing number sentences (equations).
Throughout Term 1 our Social and Emotional learning will focus on students self awareness, consideration of others and self regulation. They will identify and explore the expression and naming of emotions in social situations and the impact on themselves and others. Students will establish a positive classroom environment based upon our school values system.
Students will be investigating the driving question, ‘How can we contribute and share responsibility as active citizens within our communities?’ during our Civics and Citizenship unit of inquiry. Students will identify and explore the roles of local government. They will explain how and why people make rules and distinguish between rules and laws and understand their roles and responsibilities as active citizens in both our school and wider communities.
General Reminders:
• Please ensure that your child is at school and ready to learn at 8:40am.
• Please check Compass daily, as these will be the main portals that we (the teachers) and the school will communicate information to you. Compass is also the place where you will be able to access your child’s goals and achievements, these will be released every five weeks and will tell you what your child has achieved in Reading, Writing, Numeracy and Inquiry/Social, as well as their next steps (goals). These have not yet begun.
• Students are required to read their take home reader every night and record a brief reflection in their Green Home Reading Diaries. They will transport books from school to home and back each day in their satchels. Each morning, readers will be exchanged from the take home reader boxes in classrooms. Your child's teacher will have a day in which all Green Home Reading Diaries need to be handed in so they can view, record and provide feedback on students’ nightly reading.
•Learning apps, Wushka, Reading Eggs and Mathletics are being organised and distributed to students. The safest place for these is in their Green Home Reading Diaries.
Kind Regards,
The 2023 Year 3 Team
3A Meg, 3B Arline, 3C Jaxon, 3D Johnno, 3E Jake, 3F Gaye, 3G Emma & Alex, 3H Amber