Year 2 Term 2 Overviews

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Term 2 Curriculum:
This term in reading, Year 2 students will make connections, compare and contrast texts of the same genre and text types including non-fiction and fiction texts such as realistic, traditional literature (folktale, fairy tales, fables), fantasy, and other special types of fiction (mystery, sports, school, animal and humorous). While reading, students will solve words rapidly with minimal self corrections and they will re-read a word or a phrase occasionally to self monitor their reading. Students will use organisational tools and text resources such as Titles, Chapter Titles, Sidebars, Glossaries, Tables of Contents, Authors Notes, and Pronunciation Guides to support their understanding of the text. They will identify and summarise the important information in non-fiction and fiction texts. Students will talk about what is learned from characters, inferring reasons for character change and discuss the lesson that the author is trying to convey.
This term in writing, Year 2 students will develop an understanding of themselves as a writer, by exploring how to construct a narrative to entertain and share messages with their audience. They will be investigating the different essential parts of a narrative such as setting, characters, problem and solution. They will use their Writer’s Notebook to gather and craft ideas, igniting their passion for writing. We will continue to explore how to develop well-crafted sentences experimenting with adjectives and noun groups, various types of punctuation and correct letter formation. Students will be investigating different sound and spelling patterns through Phonological Awareness activities.
This term in maths, Year 2 students will be using everyday language to describe outcomes of familiar events. Your child will learn how to measure the length and area of several shapes and objects using appropriate informal units of measurement. Students will also recognise and represent multiplication and division through a variety of multiplicative strategies such as repeated addition, groups, and arrays. Students will explore two-dimensional shapes by identifying their features and investigating the effects of transformations. Your child will also learn how to interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the position of key features within these maps. Students will be exploring fractions by dividing collections and shapes into halves, quarters, and eighths. They will count to, from, and order numbers up to 1000, recognising increasing and decreasing number patterns. Students will also build on their flexible additive strategies bysolving simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies.
This term in inquiry, Year 2 students are exploring the question: ‘How have Werribee and Truganina changed over time?’. Students will engage in a range of activities that will allow them to develop their questioning, communication, and critical thinking skills. We will also be visiting the Werribee Mansion to explore how the area has changed over time.
Social Emotional Learning
This Term in SEL, Year 2 students will be exploring their personal interests and strengths. Students will learn how their strengths and skills can support them to work toward and achieve new and challenging goals. They will be learning how to make positive relationships and connections with their peers through understanding, respecting differences, and being compassionate towards others.
Extra Information Reminders
New Staff
We would like to welcome the newest addition to our Grade 2 team: Stephanie who is 2E’s teacher.
On the 13th of June, the Year 2 students will be going on an excursion to The Werribee Mansion as part of our unit of Inquiry. This tour compares the lifestyle, work, social customs, and etiquette of communities past and present. The mansion, its resident family, and its servant staff represent the lifestyle of many people of the 19th century. Students can explore the different lives of the former residents of the mansion and compare and contrast their lives based on their social position and status in society. If you would like your child to participate in this, please refer to Compass and have your payment in by the 30th of May. No late payments will be accepted. We look forward to creating this memorable experience with your child.
Nightly Reading -It is important for your child to continue reading every night. Every morning your child is expected to change their take home book to practice their reading goal. This should be documented in your child’s yellow Take Home Reading Journal.
Seesaw -Each week your child is assigned a homework task to complete. These activities are based on the teaching and learning happening during that week. These tasks will be beneficial for your child to consolidate their understanding of the week’s content. Twice per term, according to Dohertys Creek Goals and Achievement cycle, a Seesaw task will provide students and parents the opportunity to look at students’ progress reports, record goals, and list how students will work towards achieving these goals at home.