Prep Term 2 Overviews

To all our wonderful Prep families,
Welcome to term 2!
In Reading, we will build on our phonics knowledge with the following letters and the sounds they represent: n, o, d, g, l, v, y, r, e, w. We will make each sound in consonant-vowel-consonant words and then blend the sounds together to read the word (e.g. /h/o/t/, hot). We will use strategies to help us understand what we read. We will identify different types of text (fiction and nonfiction) and explore the different purposes of texts (eg. to entertain or inform). We will focus on retelling the important parts of a story, inferring how characters feel, and making connections between texts and our own experiences.
In writing, we will develop our phonics knowledge by writing the letters learnt in Reading with correct formation. We will segment consonant-vowel-consonant words (e.g. sat = /s/a/t/, 3 sounds) and record the sounds we hear using known letters (e.g. if I hear /s/, I write the letter s). We will develop our writing ideas with a focus on exploring descriptions and information texts. We will draw pictures and label them with words. We will verbalise sentences, and attempt to record the sounds we hear, use finger spaces between words, and add full stops. We will use classroom resources such as sound walls, DCC common words and anchor charts to write key words.
In Numeracy, we will continue to develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10. We will identify numbers before and after (e.g. What is 7 and 1 more/1 less?), compare numbers (e.g. Which collection has more/less?), and break numbers apart (e.g. How can we break 5 into different parts? 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2). We will model and tell simple addition and subtraction stories (e.g. There are 2 flowers and 2 more grow, how many flowers are there? 4 altogether). We will model sharing a collection equally between two (How many is 6 cookies shared between 2 friends? 3 each). We will explore data and statistics by asking simple yes/no questions, collecting data, and comparing results using basic tables and graphs. We will learn about the days of the week and connect the days to weekly events (e.g. every Monday we have library). We will explore how money is used to pay for things through play experiences.
In Inquiry, we will focus on Geography through the guiding question “How do we connect to, care for and respectfully share Country?” We will explore places that are important to us and why they are so special. We will investigate who takes care of our school, how we take care of our school, and how this connects to being responsible and respectful. We will have an incursion run by Cultural Infusion which will teach us how through respecting and understanding our environment, we can conserve our earth, respect our wildlife and reduce our effect on the earth to look after Country for future generations. We will use our learning to encourage others in our community to take care of and connect to Country.
Social and Emotional Learning
In Social and Emotional learning we will continue to practise being Safe, Respectful and Striving for Excellence. We will identify comfortable (e.g. happy, calm) and uncomfortable emotions (e.g. sad, angry). We will learn how to “do turtle” to help us make OK, safe choices. When we feel uncomfortable emotions, we will learn to stop, take a breath and say the problem (e.g. “I feel sad because you pushed in line”). We will also explore finding solutions to problems (e.g. “I can move away if someone says something I don’t like”). We will practise making kind and friendly choices when playing and problem solving with friends.
In Discovery, we will use rich, mentor texts to develop our vocabularies. We will explore the meaning of new words through play-based language experiences. We will use these vocabulary words and experiences as a basis for our writing. We will use colourful semantics to help us construct sentences that contain a ‘who’ (noun, subject), a ‘do’ (verb) and a ‘what like’ (adjective). This play-based learning will continue to link to literacy, numeracy and inquiry topics, allowing us to develop our skills and understandings in an open, student centred environment.
Home Learning
Please continue to read each night with your child and record the title in your child’s yellow Reading Log. After reading, you can ask your child comprehension questions such as: What happened at the beginning, middle and end (retell)? How did the character feel and why (inferring)? Did the story remind you of anything in your own life (making connections)?
To further practise the concepts taught in class, you can support your child to use our online Apps (Seesaw, Wushka, Reading Eggs and Mathletics). Your child can also practise their handwriting and letter and number recognition in their blue homework folder.
Please access Seesaw to view your goal cycle, weekly homework and decodable learning sheets to support your child with the learning we are doing at school.
Goals and achievements
New goals and achievements will be available to view on COMPASS in Weeks 5 and 9. Strategies you can use to support your child with their learning goals will also be included.
Kind Regards,
Prep Teachers