School Council

School Council Update


Wow, it’s the end of Term!! Where did Term 1 go? 


Working Bees 

A massive thank you to all the families that attended our recent working bees – the school yard is looking fantastic, and there were a lot of laughs shared!! It really just shows how

 much can be achieved with a few helpers. We would love to see even more families attend the next working bee (date TBC) A massive thanks to Maroondah Council for donating the mulch!! 





At our recent School Council meeting, we determined our sub-committees for the year. They are;

  • Publicity and Promotion 
  • Education
  • OHSC
  • Finance 
  • Buildings and Grounds 


Once regular meeting days have been determined, we will communicate these and hope that other members of the school community consider joining. 


Thank you

As we end the Term, I wanted to convey my sincere thanks to all of the staff at MPS for their amazing dedication to our students. They continue to go above and beyond, and it is truly appreciated. Likewise, I know how lucky our school is to have such a dedicated and enthusiastic PA, School Council and other volunteers – thank you all so much for the fundraising, thoughtfulness, and care you show for MPS. It’s this community that really makes MPS special. 


I hope everyone has a wonderful break over the holidays. 






Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or