Dear Parents and Carers
Term 2 has come around quickly. It is a difficult term in that the weather gets colder. It is great that we have the pavilion to play in this term. It will shelter us from the rain and wind.
Getting the pavilion back to it's pre-October 14 state has taken a mountain of work. We must thank the following people for finalising the clean and removing the rubbish.
- Staff for their work on Thursday 6 April for sorting and storing resources
- Bay Building
- Mundie Constructions
- LINX restoration
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide some information as Term 2 begins.
School Buses
School buses are running on Monday 24 April.
- A staff member attends the bus transfer station at Rochester Secondary College to support students waiting for their bus to St Joseph's.
ANZAC Day - Tuesday 25 April
- Gathering at 10.15am at the Shire Hall
- Service at the RSL gardens following the march
- Students marching are to wear full school uniform
- I will be at the Shire Hall to meet the students and will march with them
New times for the School Day
For a number of reasons the structure of the school day has changed.
There is NO change to when student drop off is, there is a change to classroom access from 8.30am and and extension to the second break.
- A gentle reminder that children are to arrive at school after 8.30am
- Students that arrive before 8.30am are required to wait at the office as there is no staff member on duty prior to 8.30am
We have set up an infographic for families to have as a guide.
We have extended the Morning Meeting Space to 5 days a week so that children needing an inside space for the mornings has a place to go and to be greeted by an adult. There will be activities for them to do at this time.
If your child's routine is to be inside the classroom after drop-off, then the Morning Meeting Space will provide this stability for them.
- There will be teachers around tomorrow (Monday) morning to support all children.
3/4 Staffing Change
- Olivia McEvoy will join the teaching team with an additional role from Term 2.
- Michelle Mannes has requested a working week of 4 days to attend to some regular appointments that take her away from the classroom.
- Olivia will teach 3/4MM every Thursday.
- Olivia will join the campers at Camp Kookaburra on Thursday.
Attached is the letter sent to 3/4MM families on Wednesday.
Winter Uniform is encouraged from Week 2.
There are 2 options for jumpers at St Joseph's:
- Polar Fleece
- Hoodie
- It is expected that students wear one of these options as their jumper.
- Students coming to school out of uniform are expected to bring a note explaining the reason for the different uniform.
- If you are experiencing difficulty providing uniform for your child/children, please let me know.
CAMP KOOKABURRA - Grade 3/4 Camp
Grade 3/4 Camp begins on Wednesday 26 April.
- Children (and adults) are required to bring their own snack and lunch on Wednesday.
- Children attending camp are asked to be at school by 8.45am
- Campers will return to St Joseph's by 2.30pm on Friday 28 April
- Children attending camp will receive information about their cabins and groups on Monday afternoon, parents with questions about this are asked to contact myself (Liz) before Wednesday.
- It is important to acknowledge the staff attending camp are leaving their families to provide this opportunity for the children. We are very grateful to their commitment to providing these opportunities
Cross Country
- You will notice that the date for Cross Country has been moved to Thursday 11 May.
- We are going to combine the Mother's Day celebration and Cross Country.
- Children will be invited to wear a splash of pink for the Cross Country run.
- Stay tuned for more information.
There is a lot planned for this term. The dates at the end of the newsletter are updated, however, we have made every effort to include as much information for the term as possible.
Take care and stay in touch.