After School Activities

Soccer - Monday

Soccer-X is facilitating a soccer program for Prep to Year 6 students after school on Monday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm on the School Oval during Term 2. The program runs from Monday 1 May to Monday 19 June (except the King's Birthday public holiday on Monday 12 June).

Register online with Soccer-X before the first session. Contact Soccer-X if you have any queries.

If your child needs to attend After School Care after the soccer program, you must advise Soccer-X and Paul Davis, our OSHC Coordinator.

Chess Club - Wednesday

Chess Club is running in Term 2 for Years 1 to 6 (not Prep) students on Wednesday from 3.40pm to 4.40pm. Tutors are from Chess Ideas. The program runs from Wednesday 26 April to Wednesday 21 June. 

Chess Club is full for Term 2; no further registrations can be taken.

If you believe you have registered your child for Chess Club, but their name was not on the list provided in the Chess List Term 2 message on Compass by Meldeen Pratiwi on 2 May, please follow up with Chess Ideas by email -

If your child needs to attend After School Care after Chess Club, you must advise Chess Ideas and notify Paul Davis at the OSHC program. 

Contact Meldeen Pratiwi (Chess Club coordinator and 4P teacher) if you have any queries about after school Chess Club.