Prep to Years 2 students are undertaking ArtSEL (Art through Social Emotional Learning) lessons each week in Semester 1. 

Week 1 Focus 

Prep:  Identifying Anger

  • It is natural to feel angry, but feeling angry is uncomfortable. 
  • It is not okay to be mean or hurt others. 
  • Empathy means feeling and understanding what someone else feels.

Year 1:  Identifying Feelings

  • Identifying your own feelings helps you know how others feel. 
  • Everyone experiences strong feelings sometimes. 
  • Some feelings are comfortable, and some are uncomfortable. 
  • Physical clues can help identify others’ feelings.

Year 2 

No class due to short week.

Week 2 Focus

Prep:  Caring and Helping

  • Compassion means caring about how someone else feels. 
  • When you feel empathy for someone, compassion is a good way to show it. 
  • You can show you care by saying or doing something kind.

Year 1:  Strong Feelings

  • Feelings vary in strength. 
  • Strong feelings need to be managed. 
  • Saying “Stop” and naming your feeling are ways to begin to calm down.

Year 2:  Introducing Emotional Management

  • When you feel strong feelings, it’s hard to think clearly. 
  • Focusing attention on your body gives you clues about how you’re feeling. 
  • Thinking about your feelings helps the thinking part of your brain get back in control.

Nikki Olsen

ArtSEL Coordinator